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That ther 'Windy Moran's' bin raisin' hell over in the hotel th' las' two days. He got to fightin' ag'in las' night with Larry Blake over that hawss. Bob Ingalls an' Chuck Reed an' th' bunch dragged 'em apart an' tol' Larry to beat it back to his ranch which he did. Windy they got him to bed, an' kep' him ther all night, as he swore he'd shoot Larry.

You are too well known. Your arrival would spread all over the town, and my plans might suffer. It is quite out of the question that you should come." "Well, I'll do what you tell me, but it's main hard." "I suppose," said Spring, "you would have me bring my fightin' shorts and my spiked shoes?" "No; you will kindly bring nothing whatever which may point to your trade.

I remember the sad excitement of that ride to the village and all the words of advice and counsel spoken by my aunt. "Don't go out after dark," said she. "I'm 'fraid some o' them rowdies'll pitch on ye." "If they do I guess they'll be kind o' surprised," said Uncle Peabody. "I don't want him to fight." "If it's nec'sary, I believe in fightin' tooth an' nail," my uncle maintained.

"Worry him and wait till he loses his head remember, now." "All right," said Crittenden, cheerfully, and turned and faced Reynolds, smiling. "Gawd," said Abe Long. "He's one o' the fellows that laugh when they're fightin'. They're worse than the cryin' sort a sight worse." The prophecy in the soldier's tone soon came true.

This one ain't been used to fightin' or even to providin' for hisself, and more like he's somewhere round the Park a'hidin' an' a'shiverin' of, and if he thinks at all, wonderin' where he is to get his breakfast from. Or maybe he's got down some area and is in a coal cellar. My eye, won't some cook get a rum start when she sees his green eyes a-shinin' at her out of the dark!

Then up on her rolls old Gunter, an' up goes Colonel Byng, and the grey mare switchin' her bobtail, as if she was havin' a bit of mealies in the middle o' the day. But when they was both on, then the band begun to play. Men was fightin' of course, but it looked as if the whole smash stopped to see what the end would be.

Dey're gwine ter kill us anyhow; an' we're tired, we read de newspapers, an' we're tired er bein' shot down like dogs, widout jedge er jury. We'd ruther die fightin' dan be stuck like pigs in a pen!" "God help you!" said Miller. "As for me, I must find my wife and child." "Good-by, doctuh," cried Josh, brandishing a huge knife. "'Member 'bout de ole 'oman, ef you lives thoo dis.

"A hundred miles further west we'd be likely to strike big herds. When we're through fightin' the Mexicans I'm goin' out there again. It's the life fur me." The night came, dark and cold, but fortunately without wind. They camped in a dip and did not light any fire, lying as Ned had done the night before on their horse blankets and wrapping themselves in their own.

"The strike up to the Foote plant's on its last legs," said the man, loudly. "So I hear," answered another. "Infernal shame. If it was only the closed-shop question I dunno's I'd feel so. We're open shop here but we git treated like human bein's.... Over there " The man shrugged his shoulders. "Look at the way they've fought the strike. Don't blame 'em for fightin' it.

"Oh, she's a bit of a terror She ain't no bloomin' levvyathan, an' that's no fatal error! She scoops the seas like a gravy-spoon when the gales are up an' blowin', But Fritz 'e loves 'er above a bit when 'er fightin' fangs are showin'. The liners go their stately way an' the cruisers take their ease, But where would they be if it wasn't for us, with the water up to our knees?