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After lighting, see that the pit is kept full. The hot embers will gradually sink to the bottom. The fuel should be kept burning fiercely until the pit seems almost full, when more fuel should be added, raising the heap about a foot above the level of the ground. The earth dug out of the pit should then be shovelled back over the burning mass.

The young man glowered almost fiercely upon his old friend. "I hear Chudleigh's boy is but a poor creature," said Sir Wilfrid, gravely. "Lady Henry doesn't expect him to live." "Why, that's the kind that always does live!" cried Delafield, with angry emphasis. "And as for Lady Henry, her imagination is a perfect charnel-house. She likes to think that everybody's dead or dying but herself.

He held his arms out toward her in supplication. The woman shook her head, but offered no verbal refusal. The man's arms dropped once more to his sides, and, for a moment, the silence was only broken by the champing of Peter's bit. Then once more the man's eyes lit. "Tell me," he cried, almost fiercely.

"By God, it is the first time," Alison cried and turned on him so fiercely that he started back. There was a servant at the door saying something which went unheard. Then Susan Burford came into the room, an odd contrast in her placid simplicity to the amazed magnificence of Mr. Waverton or Alison's tremulous, furious beauty.

Vendale stooping to recover them as before, Obenreizer interfered with profuse apologies, and with a warning look at Madame Dor. Madame Dor acknowledged the look by dropping the whole of the stockings in a heap, and then shuffling away panic-stricken from the scene of disaster. Obenreizer swept up the complete collection fiercely in both hands.

And when he returned to the cottage after the inquest on Stoner, his face was unusually long and grave as he prepared to tell Mallalieu the news. "Things are looking in a very bad way for you, Mr. Mallalieu," he whispered, when he was closeted with Mallalieu in the little room which the captive now hated fiercely and loathingly. "They look in a very bad way indeed, sir!

You went to Aix-la-Chapelle; you saw Louise Duval, at my urgent request she condescended to accept your hand." "No, Monsieur de Mauleon, she did not accept my hand. I did not even see her. The day before I arrived at Aix-la-Chapelle she had left it, not alone, left it with her lover." "Her lover! You do not mean the miserable Englishman who " "No Englishman," interrupted Louvier, fiercely.

'Pay, then, she said fiercely 'pay. A moment's dread flickered in his eye and then was gone. 'I have said that, if you exact it, I will. 'Ah! If I insist, you'll "make it all good"! Then, don't you know, you must pay me in kind? He looked down upon her a long, long way. 'What do you mean? 'Give me back what you took from me my old faith, she said, with shaking voice. 'Give me that.

"Silence!" cried the lieutenant, so fiercely that Billy Waters gave up the young officer's defence, and shut his teeth together with a loud snap like that of a trap. "All hands 'bout ship!" cried the lieutenant. "He'll be coming back presently, and signalling for a boat to fetch him off, but he shall come on to Portsmouth and make his report to the admiral."

The sun of midsummer beat fiercely upon the long and sloping roofs and against the coal-black sides of the giant building. Down in the engine-room, where there was no air stirring, and the vapor of steam hung heavily in the atmosphere, the heat was almost insupportable. The engineer, clothed lightly as he was, fairly dripped with perspiration.