United States or Austria ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

In the battle of Pont Drift a bullet struck the General's field-glasses, flattened itself, and dropped into one of his coat pockets, to make a souvenir brooch for Mrs. Meyer, who frequently visited him when no important movements were in progress.

When I paid him for the afternoon he was surly about it and kept looking at my field-glasses." Granet frowned heavily. "It isn't going to be an easy matter," he confessed. "I hear the Admiralty are going to take over the whole thing within the next few days, and are sending Marines down. How's the time?" They glanced at their watches. It was five minutes before midnight.

Indeed, it was not till after the suspicious works had been thoroughly scanned with field-glasses that we were ordered to advance, when the strong position was carried without the snapping of a cap, or a sabre stroke. Chagrin was written upon every face. Not a sign of the enemy was visible, save the deserted remains of their winter-quarters, which fell into our hands.

Somewhere, in the smoke, a Prussian band was playing gayly, and Jack thought of the Bavarians at the Geisberg, and their bands playing as the men fell like leaves in the Château gardens. He had his field-glasses with him, and he fixed them on the advancing columns. They were Bavarians, after all there was no mistaking the light-blue uniforms and fur-crested helmets.

Half a mile away down the hill Colonel Dermot and Wargrave watched them through their field-glasses. "Who is that fellow in khaki uniform, sir?" asked the subaltern. The Political Officer lowered his binoculars and laughed. "A gentlemen I've been very anxious to meet. He's the Chinese Amban we call him an Envoy of the Republic of China to Bhutan.

"'Serves 'em right They'll be prodded into facing round in a minute." He looked through his field-glasses, and caught the glint of an officer's sword. "Beating 'em with the flat damned conscripts! How the Ghazis are walking into them!" said he. The Fore and Aft, heading back, bore with them their officers.

Yet they have such faith in their canoes and their own skill in their management of them, that they will go out fearlessly in storms that a white man would never face. On mail-day our field-glasses were in constant requisition, and whoever was lucky enough to announce the appearance of Joe felt the hero of the hour.

"And there will likely be some buffalo near there." So we ascended cautiously to the top of the divide, keeping in the coulées as much as possible, for we knew that other field-glasses would be focused on the hills. Once over the crest, we halted and watched for riders coming our way. But none appeared. Once I thought I glimpsed a moving speck on the farther bank of Lost River.

We saw the men scramble out, only to be blown to pieces by land mines as they waded to the beach. On the Lala Baba side we watched platoons and companies form up and march along in fours, all in step, as if they were on parade. "In fours!" I exclaimed to Hawk, who was peering through my field-glasses. "Sheer murder," said Hawk.

"Speaking of prettiness reminds me of something that happened at the Races last week I forgot to tell you, at the time. There were two gentlemen there from Melbourne; and as Agnes Ocock went past, one of them said out loud: 'Gad! That's a lovely woman. Agnes heard it herself, and was most distressed. And the whole day, wherever she went, they kept their field-glasses on her. Mr.