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Can you forget old favours and old friends at the mere whistle of a name? Fie, fie; think shame!" And I sat down on the boulder the good man had just left, and opened the parcel to see the nature of my gifts. That which he had called cubical I had never had much doubt of; sure enough, it was a little Bible, to carry in a plaid-neuk. It restores speech to those that have the dumb palsey.

"I'm not so unkind as I seem, boy; but it is better for you, and for all, that you should not come to this house again, better that you had not come into the town." "Fie, Mother!" said Dick, seeing that Leonard, bending his head, silently walked from the room. "You should be prouder of your grandson than you are of me." "Prouder of him who may shame us all yet?" "What do you mean?" But Mrs.

"Not'ing," replied the girl in English, "but she trust Pedro." "So do I, with all my heart," returned Lawrence; "my question was prompted by curiosity, not by doubt." "I's not so sure," said Quashy, with a frown, and a tone of self-assertion which was rare in him. "Nice-lookin' men like him's not allers as nice as dey looks." "Fie, Quashy! I thought you were of a more trustful spirit."

"Fie, fie! your punishment is never to know who we are." I was sorry to have displeased the two fair masquers, who seemed worth knowing, so I followed them, and meeting Barbaro, who knew everybody, I pointed them out to him, and heard to my delight that they were the two Marchionesses Q and F . I promised Barbaro to go and see them.

I didn't try no further, because, in the first place, the tide was rising, and because, when I pulled myself out, I heard a sound on t'other side of the pool like as if some creature was breathin' hard there in the darkness. It properly raised my hair, and I turned tail." "Fie, Jan! Ran away from a mermaid!" said Vashti, laughing. "You should have brought her home and married her."

Why, an old Knight, and Alderman here o'th' City, Sir Feeble Fainwou'd, a jolly old Fellow, whose Activity is all got into his Tongue, a very excellent Teazer; but neither Youth nor Beauty can grind his Dudgeon to an Edge. Bel. Fie, what Stuff's here! Gay. Very excellent Stuff, if you have but the Grace to improve it. Bel.

Fie on ye! man, fie! you have not once gone to see the Provost or his daughter since I saw you last I dare not go myself for the sake of a very stupid blunder; but I met the old man coming up the way an hour ago, and he was asking what ailed you at them. Will I tell you something, Colin? The Provost's a gleg man, but he's not so gleg as his wife.

'Stop! that is my betrothal pledge you can't have that! cried Raymond, putting up his hand to withhold the dwarf's claw. 'And who was it gave it to you, in the first place, I should like to know? exclaimed the dwarf tartly. 'Fie! have you so little confidence in your friends? It is for your own good that I must have the token. Give it me at once.

"Fie!" cried Isaura, impulsively, her face and neck bathed in blushes, "fie! such words are a mockery." Graham gazed at her intently, and then turned his eyes on Savarin. He guessed aright the truth. "Mademoiselle then is an author? In the style of her friend Madame de Grantmesnil?"

A gentleman has just been talking to me about that lady; he said, "She's oh, fie! fie!" but I fancy the fellow was a fool. What do you think, what is she? oh, fie! fie! 'I don't quite understand that definition, answered Arkady. 'Oh, my! What innocence! 'In that case, I don't understand the gentleman you quote.