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And from these risky heights she looked down sometimes on Manisty wondering where was emotion, sympathy. Not a trace of them! Of all their party he alone was obviously and hideously bored by the long wait. He leant back in his chair, with folded arms, staring at the ceiling yawning fidgetting. At last he took out a small Greek book from his pocket, and hung over it in a moody absorption.

You'll see me in the third pew from the back, on the right side, wishin' you luck just as hard as I can." So, as in couples or family groups, afoot or in all sorts of vehicles, the members of Trumet's Regular society came to the church to hear their new minister, that functionary peeped under the parlor window shade of the parsonage and waited, fidgetting and apprehensive, for the Winslows.

"What's more, all thoroughly deserved," said Arthur. "I should think so," said the Colonel, fidgetting. "Ah, yes, nobody has deserved them better," cooed Sybil. "Nor on more humane and generous grounds," said the Major, sotto voce. "The effort to save life, indeed," returned the Major's young wife: "splendid!"

Ha! ha! the scamp went hunting about for pretty models. And where had he picked up that one? More and more embarrassed by these remarks, Claude went on fidgetting. 'What a couple of idiots you are! he exclaimed, 'If you only knew what fools you are making of yourselves. That'll do. You really make me sorry for both of you.

He was started by two or three of Komag-Nils' stories, and wanted to show us that where he came from, down at Dönö near Ranen, in Helgeland, there were as many and as wonderful stories and boats, as with us in Nordland. The narrator was a little, quick-speaking fellow, who sat the whole time rocking backwards and forwards, and fidgetting upon the bench, while he talked.

What's the matter with Sniggins? "Well, it's a good thing the baby has somebody to care for it: I will. What do you say? "I will, I can tell you. Sniggins, besides being a warm man, has good interest in the Customs; and there's nice pickings there, if one only goes the right way to get 'em. It's no use, Caudle, your fidgetting about not a bit.

Godfrey left me, and I went on fidgetting with my papers until luncheon-time. Marion and I were just finishing luncheon when Godfrey came in again. "Well," I said, "have you captured your millionaire?" "He wasn't on board," said Godfrey. "There were two men there, Power, who's Conroy's secretary, and a horrid bounder called McNeice. They were drinking bottled stout in the cabin with Crossan."

Percival was fidgetting about the room with a glum and sour expression of countenance. He was evidently much out of sorts, both in body and mind, for his face was unusually sallow in tint, and there was a dark, upright line between his brows which his relations knew and dreaded.

During this tea-time, while her mother mutely ate bread and margarine, Sally was away in the clouds, dreaming of all that her windfall was to produce. It was to produce beauty, opportunity, happiness. So much for a pound to do! Sally was so impatient to call on Mrs. Perce that she could hardly eat anything or drink her tea. "You are worritting and fidgetting, Sally," cried Mrs. Minto, peevishly.

She had the valuable gift of sitting still without stiffness, and not fidgetting with fan, bouquet, or hand-kerchief, as she listened or talked.