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Garvell was patting the neck of his horse, which was inclined to fidget, and disregarding me. He nodded over his shoulder and followed. His movement seemed to release a train of memories in her. She glanced suddenly at him and then back at me with a flash of recognition that warmed instantly to a faint smile.

A white silk shawl covered her dress of green check silk; she wore a shawl constantly now, having a perpetual tendency to shiver; her handsome features were white and attenuated, but her eyes were brilliant still, and her dark hair was dressed in elaborate braids. "So you have had the doctors here, Maude," he remarked, cheerfully. She nodded a reply, and began to fidget with the body of her gown.

The hat went round, and others got blanks. Ussher got Miss Fidget, Larry Kelly's mare, and was advised in a whisper by that cunning little gentleman who meant to buy Conqueror by way of a hedge, and who therefore wanted to swell the stakes to be sure and buy the mare himself, for she didn't know how to fall; "and," he added, "you know she's no weight on her;" and when Ussher looked at Larry Kelly, who was to ride her himself, he couldn't but think the latter part was true.

"It may be that the seal of old-bachelorhood is already set upon me, and that I am that odious and hyper-sensitive creature commonly called a 'fidget; but somehow I could not find a governess whom I really felt inclined to choose for my little Lizzie. Some of the ladies were elderly and stern; others were young and frivolous; some of them were uncertain as to the distribution of the letter h.

"Don't say any such thing; let me once more hear the grateful sound of Sedley Beaudesert. Shut the door, Thomas to Gracechurch Street, Messrs. Fudge & Fidget." The carriage drove on. "A sad affliction has befallen me," said the marquis, "and none sympathize with me!" "Yet all, even unacquainted with the late lord, must have felt shocked at the death of one so young and so full of promise."

And the worst is, that you would be ashamed to say it. You would feel obliged to look pleased and join in the conversation, and not fidget too much, nor always be shaking your flounces and looking into a dark corner of your apron. Thus it is with many other things in life besides black insects.

After dinner, Pavel Ivanitch lay down on his bed, and instead of going to sleep, reflected: "But there, I daresay she is expecting me to come! What a silly! I can just imagine what a nervous fidget she'll be in and how her tournure will quiver when she does not find me in the arbour! I shan't go, though. . . . Bother her!" But, I repeat, powerful is the enemy of mankind.

Think her as pretty as you like, and imagine her to be all that's sweet and charming: but never mind about knowing her." "But why on earth not?" "Why, nothing will come of it." "That depends on what you mean by nothing." "You don't understand. I must be plainer. Do sit down, and don't fidget so. How long have you been here now? Nearly two months.

As the day wore away and the night came on he seemed less sure, while even Uncle Timothy began to fidget, and when in the evening a young pettifogger, who had recently hung out his shingle on Laurel Hill, came in, he asked him, in a low tone, "if, under the present governor, they hung folks on circumstantial evidence alone."

To the poor and to hopeless drunkards, as I myself have witnessed, he was like a painstaking guardian. And he never told a story that couldn't have gone into the columns of the Field more than once or twice in all the nine years of my knowing him. He didn't even like hearing them; he would fidget and get up and go out to buy a cigar or something of that sort.