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Doria. "You want manners, my dear boy. I think it never happened to me before that a man consulted his watch in my presence." Richard mildly replied that he had an engagement at a particular hour, up to which he was her servant. "Fiddlededee!" the vivacious lady sang. "Now I've got you, I mean to keep you. Oh! I've heard all about you.

Dieu! and similar fiddlededee. These were matters for women to do, if they chose: women and Frenchmen were much of a pattern. Moreover, he knew the hotel this Comte de Croisnel was staying at.

Coppernose, who was a humble-minded man, smiled slightly, and shook his head as he said "All red men are not so adventurous as the English Chief. I never had occasion to travel in this direction, and do not know the way." "Boo!" ejaculated English Chief; meaning, no doubt, fiddlededee!

"Oh, he pinched his lips together and smiled, and said, 'Don't you know that Percival is the elder?" "But, Lottie, that proves nothing as to his father." "Who supposed it did? I said 'Fiddlededee! I didn't mean that: I supposed they were much about the same age, or if Percy were a month or two older it made no difference. I meant that Horace was the eldest son's son, so of course he was A 1."

"`Fiddlededee, said Stumps. "`Come down, and you shall hear it for yourself, said Jeff. "Now, they say that Stumps is a coward, though he boasts a good deal " "You may say," interrupted the sportsman, "that Stumps is a coward because he boasts a good deal. Boasting is often a sign of cowardice though not always."

I was not to forget that a newspaper was a vehicle for the distribution of news, the announcement of facts and the discussion thereof, not a medium for the dissemination of fancies and fiddlededee.

"We always sterilize our lips now before we kiss him it's so much safer, you know." Aunt Hannah sat down limply, the baby still in her arms. "Fiddlededee, Billy! What an absurd idea! What have you got in that bottle?" "Why, Aunt Hannah, it's just a little simple listerine," bridled Billy, "and it isn't absurd at all. It's very sensible. My 'Hygienic Guide for Mothers' says "

"Fiddlededee!" she retorted, her arms stuck out akimbo, "what in the world had I to do with your fooleries? 'Twas the girl arranged it all and for reasons which do her more credit than YOU seem able to do her. I think she's a very good girl a thousand times too good for you. If you find her again I shall be sorry for her and I'll tell you this much, that I shan't help you."

To her indeed the young married hero spoke almost indecorously, and that which his delicacy withheld him from speaking to Clare. He could provoke nothing more responsive from the practical animal than "Pooh-pooh! Tush, tush! and Fiddlededee!" "Really," Mrs. Doria said to her intimates, "that boy's education acts like a disease on him. He cannot regard anything sensibly.

"I am come to your part of the story, my dear," says I, looking over to my wife as she is plying her needles. "To what, pray?" says my lady. "You should skip all that part, and come to the grand battles, and your heroic defence of " "Of Fort Fiddlededee in the year 1778, when I pulled off Mr. Washington's epaulet, gouged General Gates's eye, cut off Charles Lee's head, and pasted it on again!"