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Christian, though she received with all formality the formal visits of the governante and her charge, seemed thenceforth so pettish with the issue of her remonstrance, upon the enormity of her niece dancing to a little fiddle, that she appeared to give up interference in her affairs, and left Dame Debbitch and Alice to manage both education and housekeeping in which she had hitherto greatly concerned herself much after their own pleasure.

Max vacated the long chair he was occupying, and every one welcomed the doctor with a word or smile. They all loved him, and nothing pleased them better than to have him spend an hour with them. To-day, he was plainly tired, and while Catherine prepared tea for him, Frieda whispered to Hannah. "I wonder if he would," said Hannah. "Winifred, will you sing, if I bring out my fiddle?"

Oh, my God! it has been a beautiful time a happy beautiful time that ends to-night!" He set down the fiddle, crooked up a knee and clasped his hands round it, looking at Annie. "Annie, girl, what is it that we believe till to-morrow morning? You believe eh? that 'tis a rare world, full of delights, and with no ugliness in it?" Annie nodded.

Though the Indian could not understand the meaning, he appeared to be much affected, and it was some time before he began another song. From the few words we could make out, we supposed him to be recounting the misfortunes of his people, and their departure from the hunting-grounds of their fathers. Mike had brought his fiddle, but of course he could not play it while paddling.

"Don't you see that I could really play right now, with somebody to listen, who really enjoys music; whereas, if I tried to play in front of a record, I'd be perfectly mechanical?" "'At-a-girl, Dot! I'll get your fiddle." "Keep your seat, son," instructed Orlon, as the case containing the Stradivarius appeared before Dorothy, borne by a pencil of force.

He had been playing softly when he came upon the boys where the path entered the woods. "Oh!" At sight of the boys and their burden David gave an involuntary cry, and stopped playing. The boys, scarcely less surprised at sight of David and his violin, paused and stared frankly. "It's the tramp kid with his fiddle," whispered one to the other huskily.

And with this knowledge tingling in his thoughts and perhaps there was a bit of spring in his heart Cutty continued on, without destination, chin jutting, eyes shining. He was an American! He might have continued on indefinitely had he not seen obliquely a window filled with musical instruments. Hawksley's fiddle! He had all but forgotten. All right.

Otis, Madelon," said Richard, "and he came up from Kingston to the ball, and he can fiddle as well as Louis, and he said 'twas a shame you should lilt all night and not have a chance to dance yourself; and so I ran home and got Louis's fiddle, and there are plenty down there to jump at the chance of you for a partner and " the boy leaned forward and whispered in his sister's ear: "Burr Gordon's gone and Dorothy Fair."

"You'll give up everything to him, you'll lick his shoes; and you'll never play anything but second fiddle in his life. He'll always be first with himself, he and his work, or whatever he calls painting pictures; and some day you'll find that out. You won't like it, and I don't like it for you, Chris, and that's flat." He wiped his brow where the perspiration stood in beads.

"If Bob were here, he would not like to knuckle under and play second fiddle. Well, I shouldn't either. Perhaps it's best is it is, I'm captain, and can do as I like, only it isn't always nice to do as one likes, and I often feel as if it would be much nicer to have some one to order me."