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What had happened here to decide her? Had Hawksley fiddled? There was something the matter with the green stones to-night; they evoked nothing. He leaned back in his chair, listening, the bowl of his pipe touching the lapel of his coat. Music. Queer, what you could do with a fiddle if you knew how. After all there was no sense in venting his anger on Hawksley. He was hoist by his own petard.

If the pale young person clinging to the raspberry bush near Tommy Tree Cricket loved music, he thought it was a pity to disappoint her. "You may feel too cold to fiddle; but I don't!" Chirpy said. "I'm quite warm down here on the ground. This little hollow where I'm sitting is sheltered from the wind. So I'll fiddle for your friend." As he spoke he began to play.

They make the rough, unbaked earth bricks that the peasant cottages are mostly made of, are tinkers and blacksmiths, but they do the lowest kind of work too. Besides these, however, there are the talented ones. The musical gipsy begins to handle his fiddle as soon as he can toddle. The Hungarians brought their love of music with them from Asia.

"I'll tell you," said Moggy, interrupting: "when he was last at Portsmouth, they heard him playing his fiddle and singing, and they took such a fancy to him, that they were determined to have him to amuse them in the cave. So one evening, they kidnapped him, took him away by main force, and kept him a prisoner ever since." "That's carrying the joke rather too far," observed one of the men.

'But what's the use of talking about it? he said. 'Get your fiddle, man, and play The Wind that shakes the Barley. 'No, Mr. Ericson, answered Robert; 'I have no heart for the fiddle. I would rather have some poetry. 'Oh! Poetry! returned Ericson, in a tone of contempt yet not very hearty contempt. 'We're gaein' awa', Mr.

What how is she, Doctor?" cried Mr. Bingle, peering beyond the bulky form of the doctor as if expecting to see his wife in the little hallway. "Fine as a fiddle," said Dr. Fiddler, using a pet and somewhat personal phrase. "No no bad news?" stammered Mr. Bingle. "You're not trying to break anything gently to me, are you?" "Gently?" roared the doctor. "Does a rhinoceros break things gently?"

When he had danced half of the village tired, and they were all lying on the ground, drinking wine from earthen urns to refresh themselves, the last string of the fiddle snapped and the musician reeled from his chair. Only the flute and the guitar kept on. "Play on, play on, you children of sweet angels, and I shall give to each of you a young lamb in the morning," Ghitza urged them.

For a while he endured this, playing popular airs that he hated and despised for the larrikins whom he hated and feared, a nightly butt and target for their coarse jests. Then he preferred starvation, and found himself in the gutter with the clothes he stood up in and his fiddle.

In a crowd o' girls she never has much to say; it always seemed to me she was afraid somebody would find out some'n' about 'er. She never mentions Tennessee. But she's a great favorite with all the boys. They'd be a string o' 'em round 'er now, but they don't want to make Toot mad." "Right han' ter yo' pahtners," called out Uncle Mack, rapping on the back of his fiddle with his bow.

In all other things we can do something at first. Any man will forge a bar of iron, if you give him a hammer; not so well as a smith, but tolerably. A man will saw a piece of wood, and make a box, though a clumsy one; but give him a fiddle and fiddlestick, and he can do nothing."