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"'Never! I cried, indignantly." "The Emperor was much struck." "'In the flashing eyes of this patriotic child I read and accept the fiat of the Russian people. Enough, Davoust, it is mere phantasy on our part. Come, let's hear your other project." "'Yes, but that was a great idea," said the prince, clearly interested. "You ascribe it to Davoust, do you?"

The organs which produce this curious electrical effect are placed along the under side of the tail. They may be compared to a series of columns inclosed in a thin membrane packed closely together, which, consisting of a series of fiat discs, may be imitated by placing a number of coins with their discs parallel to each other, and with a bladder between each, separated by a gelatinous substance.

So the fiat had gone forth, with no concession to be made on account of weather. As Oswald came from his supper and took a look at the heavens from the small front porch, he was deeply troubled that Orlando had remained so obstinate on this point.

By the red man's fiat, then, human life might abide in Tennessee, though not in Kentucky, and it followed that in seasons of peace the frontiersmen might settle in Tennessee.

So he pushed back his mop of hair grayer than the hair of many here old enough to be his father with the fiat of his palm, and looked straight into the faces of these men and said what he had to say: "Mr. Chairman, and gentlemen of this Convention, I consider it a great privilege to be able to stand here and speak to you a greater privilege than any of you realize, perhaps.

His "bit of fiat" has taken a piece of wood and transformed it: made it expressive of something. All the "arts of design" among primitive races show this pattern-instinct. But the impulse toward an ordered expression of feeling is equally apparent in the rudimentary stages of music and poetry.

Sooner or later the same certainty of the futility of his sin will overwhelm every sinful man, and dumb self-condemnation will stand in silent acknowledgment of evil desert before the throne of the Brother, who is now the Prince and the Judge, on whose fiat hangs life or death.

After a heated debate the fiat went forth that Congress could not take action till 1808. Next came the adding of ten amendments to the constitution, all for the purpose of protecting State rights. Thomas Jefferson became the leader of the Republican party, afterwards known as Democrats, and not to be confounded with the Republican party of to-day.

Piozzi and Madame de Staël should have so little realized the dignity of true womanhood as to have confirmed the fiat their tyrants had passed against them; and she vigorously condemns Lord Chesterfield's vicious system, which tends to the early acquirement of knowledge of the world and leaves but little opportunity for the free development of man's natural powers.

Since, moreover, God's decree consists solely in the resolution he forms, after having compared all possible worlds, to choose that one which is the best, and bring it into existence together with all that this world contains, by means of the all-powerful word Fiat, it is plain to see that this decree changes nothing in the constitution of things: God leaves them just as they were in the state of mere possibility, that is, changing nothing either in their essence or nature, or even in their accidents, which are represented perfectly already in the idea of this possible world.