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"Then, perhaps, doctor, I'd better put it off till to-morrow; I'll tell you why: there's a person I wish " "Why, Mr Lynch, to-day would be better. The fever's periodical, you see, and will be on her again to-morrow " "I beg your pardon, Doctor Colligan," said Barry, of a sudden remembering to be civil, "but you'll take a glass of wine?" "Not a drop, thank ye, of anything."

I'm sicker than they think. I'm tired out. I can't stand such a fever. That pillow's wet. That's better. It's cold, though. I guess my fever's going. Now I'm getting hot again. I do want to see Chalmers." The patient tosses and fumes. The comrades hurry to Chalmers' drug store, as others have done. "The proprietor is out of the city," the clerk answers to all inquirers. "He left no address."

Folks are up and doing hereabout." Carrington looked eagerly around in search of Betty. She was sitting on an upturned tub, a pathetic enough figure as she drooped against the wall of one of the shanties with all her courage quite gone from her. He made his way quickly to her side. "La!" whispered Polly in Chills and Fever's ear.

If you don't look better right away, I shall make you go straight to bed and I'll come feed you chicken soup." "My fever's rising this minute!" cried Quin, "I believe I've got a chill. Send for the ambulance!" "Not till after the wedding. I'll have you know I am to be Aunt Enid's bridesmaid." "You've got nothing on me," said Quin, "I'm the best man!"

As for Captain Hiram Baker, he hurried home, his conscience reproving him for remaining so long away from his wife and poor little Hiram Joash, more familiarly known as "Dusenberry." Mrs. Baker met her husband at the door. "How is he?" was the Captain's first question. "Better, hey?" "No," was the nervous answer. "No, I don't think he is. His throat's terrible sore and the fever's just as bad."

Here, for instance, is a letter the doting father received from his son and heir a week after Ratman's arrival. "Dear Pater, Isn't it fizzing that old Roger is pretty nearly out of the wood? The fever's come down like anything, and he's getting quite chirpy. I can't fancy how a chap can hang on at all with nothing to eat but milk. It wouldn't fill up my chinks.

"Holy Ann, no! Brain fever's a fell disease invented by novelists I never met it in all my experience. The doctors in novels have special advantages. No, it's influenza pretty severe touch too. She ought to have been in bed days ago. She'll want careful looking after." "I see," said Vernon. "Any danger?" "There's always danger, Lord Saint-Croix isn't it?" "I have not the honour to be Lady St.

'Micat inter omnes Julium sidus, velut inter ignes Luna minores. 'And like the Moon, the feebler fires among, Conspicuous shines the Julian star. FRANCIS. Horace, Odes, i. 12. 46. See ante, iii. 209. 'The little blood that creeps within his veins Is but just warmed in a hot fever's pains. DRYDEN. Juvenal, Satires, x. 217. Lunardi had made, on Sept. 15, the first balloon ascent in England. Gent.

"Is that all!" he exclaimed, some amusement on his face. "I thought it must have taken fire." "A fever's worse than a fire." "Do you think so?" "Think so!" echoed the dowager. "You can run away from a fire; but a fever may take you before you are aware of it. Every soul in the Rectory may die; it may spread to the parish; it may spread here.

'Tain't so bad. Course water's easy, if you don't light on one o' them fever swamps. Mountain fever's pretty bad. Still, I don't guess we'll git worried that way, ma'm. I'd sure say you're pretty tough fer mountain fever to git a holt of. It's the time that's the wust. It might take us weeks gittin' out, once you git lost proper.