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There were mutterings from the younger men, who had wives to seek, and from the older men, who had daughters to fetch prices, and a low hum of rage rose higher and clearer. "They are very rich, and have cunning tools of iron, and knives, and guns without end," Tyee suggested craftily, his dream of sudden wealth beginning to take shape.

Hester Wright had gone early to Paradise Row to fetch Bet, for she was to be her sole bridesmaid in fact, the only friend who was to see her give herself to Will. Will had no best man. But what of that? His heart did feel light this morning, and the gay notes which he sang as he hurried along the streets had an undertone of thanksgiving running through them.

"Not dangerously, I hope," returned Thames; "but fly save yourself." "Where are the assassins?" cried Sheppard. "Gone," replied the wounded man. "They imagine their work is done. But I may yet live to thwart them." "I will carry you to the house, or fetch Mr. Wood," urged Jack. "No, no," rejoined Thames; "fly or I will not answer for your safety. If you desire to please me, you will go."

While she was going on her errand, she met Wen Kuan and the rest of the girls, twelve in all, on their way to seek the party. Drawing near, they inquired after her health. After exchanging a few commonplace remarks, Pao-ch'ai turned round and pointing, said: "you will find them all in there; you had better go and join them. As for me, I'm going to fetch Miss Lin, but I'll be back soon."

The King's face hardened, and his reply came sharply. "If it were my own son, I would fetch the wood to burn him, were he such a wretch as thou art." And there is no doubt that Philip spoke truth when he uttered words so merciless. Under the royal sanction the persecution was continued in the Netherlands. It had closed the domains of science and speculation for Spain.

To confirm all which, run, Sancho my son, and fetch hither the helmet which this good fellow calls a basin." "Egad, master," said Sancho, "if we have no other proof of our case than what your worship puts forward, Mambrino's helmet is just as much a basin as this good fellow's caparison is a pack-saddle."

"Poor little me!" she wailed, feeling sorry for herself. "But I must I must cross here to fetch my cows." "Dear Lord, don't let me see anything dreadful or bad!" she prayed, her hands tightly clasped, and shaking from fright. "And don't let me fall into temptation."

"None," said Richard, sadly; "unless," he added, in a whisper, "I can count you as one." "Officer, just fetch a glass of water," said Dodge; "the prisoner says he feels faint. Look here, young gentleman," continued he, earnestly, as soon as they were alone, "this is no use; I can do nothing for you whatever, except wish you luck, which I do most heartily. I am as helpless as a baby in this matter.

"What are you doing?" he called crossly. "Thinking!" said the Scarecrow, leaning heavily against the bean pole. "Well, don't do it out loud," snapped the farmer. Then, catching a better view of the Scarecrow, he cried in surprise: "Why, it's you! Come right in, my dear fellow, and give us the latest news from the Emerald City. I'll fetch a candle!" The farmer was very proud of the Scarecrow.

"Come, Allardyce," said I, angrily. "You don't seriously mean to say that a whole ship's company are going to be terrorised by a single man in a box. If he's there, I'll engage to fetch him out!" I went to my room and came back with my revolver in my hand. "Now, Allardyce," said I, "do you open the lock, and I'll stand on guard." "For God's sake, think what you are doing, sir!" cried the mate.