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"Why not?" "I reckon Cap'n Jarrow's got some friends along." "I suppose you side with the captain, eh?" "I mos' certain do. Old Doc Bird knows whar his bread is buttered, an' he keeps right close alongside de skipper." "Mr. Peth knows that?" "Mr. Peth never gits no chance to fergit it. An' the cook, he ain' got no use fo' Mr. Peth." "I see." "He better not go argufyin' with Shanghai Tom."

"An' ef I had a scoldin' wife I'd whip her sho's yer born, I'd take her down to New Orleans An' trade her off fer corn " Julius stopped with a sudden snap and whispered to John: "Lordy, sah, I clean fergit 'bout dat meetin' at de cullud folks' church, sah, dat dey start up. I promise de preacher ter fetch you, sah An' ef we gwine ter march ter-morrow, dis here's de las' night sho "

Of course the times when a man stuffs his face down into the pillers nights, passes, after a while; but while the's some sorro's that the happenin' o' things helps ye to fergit, I guess the's some that the happenin' o' things keeps ye rememberin', an' losin' a child 's one on 'em." It was the latter part of John's fifth winter in Homeville. The business of the office had largely increased.

They sat on the steps to the portico, their arms entwined. The scene beat their more sophisticated intelligences back into silence. Some minutes they all sat there together, and then again Mr. Barber broke the spell. "It do look fearful, like. But you needn't be afraid. It's better to be friends with it, you might say. And then go to bed and fergit it."

"Child, how come yuh t' fergit the basque? Er what hez happened to it?" cried Sary, sympathetically, while Barbara struggled vainly to wrench herself free from the ill-smelling wrap that generally hung in Halsey's kitchen. "Ah hev it! Polly, git the box Nolla gave me. Ah'll let Miss Bob wear my scarf!"

"We mustn't fergit," said the smith, "that Jim was a takin' the poor little feller to Fremont 'cause he thought he was pinin' away fer children's company; and I guess Jim knowed. Now, the question is, what we goin' for to do? Little Skeezucks ain't a goin' to be no livelier unless he gits that company and maybe he'll up and die of loneliness, after all.

You teched him up fust on thet p'int; then while he's still kindah riled with you fur it teks him a long time to fergit a man's darin' to sot up opinions 'ginst his'n up you prances ag'in 'bout Betsy. No, you didn't beg him sortah bashful an' meechin' lak I know you so well, Ab but you jes' demands his gal's hand in marridge. This riles him still futhah.

Dis yere boat is de fastest and de finest on de Big Muddy, young gent; an' dere's nuttin' in dis yere worl' that the 'New Lucy' doan have on her table; an' doan yer fergit it, young mas'r," he added, with respectful pride in his voice. "My! what a tuck-out!

"Some are ruled by 'is 'andsome face, an' some by 'ow much money 'e's got, but they nearly all fergit they've got ter live in the same 'ouse with 'im. Women 'ave only one way of lookin' at a man in the long run, an' if yer ask my opinion of any man, I want ter know wot 'e thinks about women.

"You are wandering from the issue," said Frank. "I presume you will be ready to proceed to the scene of the duel in a few moments?" "Ready any time." "All right. Choose your second." "Whut do you mean by that?" "You have to have somebody to look out for you and see that you have fair play." "By chaowder! Ephraim Gallup kin look aout for hisself, an' don't you fergit it!"