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"I think, Fer Stumpy, I know a little more about you than you do about me." Bitter hatred spread itself over the tramp's face. "Oh, ho, you do, do you? Well, we'll see. 'Them laughs best as laughs last. If you won't pay, I'm off." He rose to his feet and reached for his hat, Mr. Woodward intercepted him. "Where are you going?" "That's my business.

She threw a kiss toward the cabin under the trees and shook with silent laughter as she muttered, "Dat fer you, Chunk. You de beat'nst nigger I eber see. You mos' ez bro'd ez I is high, yit you'se reachin' arter me.

"Yes," returned Old Matt; "we ought to got 'em out last week, but seems like we couldn't get at it with the buryin' an' all." "'Pears like you all 'r gettin' mighty proud in this neighborhood. PUNCHEON floors USED t' be good enough fer anybody t' dance on. Be a buildin' board houses next, I reckon." Mr.

I'm de real article, I am, an' I don't know Happy Harry. But, fer dat matter, any of us is happy enough in de summer time, if we don't strike a burgh like dis, where dey jugs you fer panhandlin'." In general, Tom found the tramp willing enough to answer his questions, though some were sullen, and returned only surly growls to his inquiries.

Well, I wouldn't, son, if I was you. Now, see here, Moore," and the voice perceptibly hardened, and the marshal's eyes were like flints. "You know me, I reckon, an' that I ain't much on boys' play. You never heard tell o' my hittin' anybody just fer fun, did yer?" There was no answer. "An' yer never heard no one say," went on Brennan, "that I was afraid ter hit when I needed to.

Harum thoughtfully, "if I was to lose what little I've got, an' had to give up livin' in the way I was used to, an' couldn't even keep a hoss, I c'n allow 't I might be willin' fer a change of scene to make a fresh start in. Yes, sir, I guess I would. Wa'al," looking at his watch, "I've got to go now, an' I'll see ye later, mebbe. You feel like takin' holt to-day?"

Now look here; that nigger does what I tell him and he does it quick see? Well, he knows what I want him to do to-night. So does Charley Gruder, the guard over there. Charley's fixed; I seen to that; and he knows he ain't goin' to lose no job fer the nigger's gittin' out of the back winder to go make a little sociable call this evening."

"'And, after all, Morris, think this thing over and maybe you will conclude that "'Tis better far to bear the ills we have than fly to others that we know not of." ""Can't be always sunny Dat's de lesson plain; For ever' rose, my honey, Am sweeter fer de rain." "'Your friend, " " "A good deal of poetry for a business letter," spoke up one of the boys.

Well, him and them other Dagoes are goin' to stay at home fer two weeks, beginnin' to-night." "I'll be dogged if I see how," said the policeman, lifting his helmet to scratch his head. "I'll show you how. I don't claim no credit fer the idea, I ain't around blowin' my own horn too often, but I'd like fer somebody to jest show me any other man in this city could have thought it out!

She was very thin and little, but old Tom's brown face grew a shade nearer white when the light fell upon her. "You're no Plattville girl," he said sharply. "You lie!" cried the child. "You lie! I am! You leave me go, will you? I'm lookin' fer pap and you're a liar!" "You crawled in here to sleep, after your seven-mile walk, didn't you?" Martin went on. "You're a liar," she screamed again.