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"Yes, of course, that all happens outside in the private troop room, but I'll bet the other girls listen at the keyhole!" put in Mildred. "And last time a lot of boys on the back fence could see in the window," Madaline reminded the anxious aspirants.

About a hundred feet from the fence he came to a brook crossing the lane. Spring freshets had carried away the little bridge, doubtless years before, and now the stream was spanned by nothing but an old tree-trunk, carelessly thrown across.

He had yet to learn the art of working so that every movement counted something accomplished, as did the others; besides, he had been in constant fear of losing his hold on the fence and plunging headlong amongst the trampling hoofs below, a fate that he shuddered to contemplate.

I at first found it rather difficult to preserve my balance well in cantering on a circle, but that came to me far more quickly than ability to ride properly over a fence in a plain flapped saddle, such as I presume ladies would want to use if they adopted that style of riding.

He went in and the people flocked in after him, and when David, having tied old Don to his place by the fence, went in also, it was all that he could do to find standing-room for a while, there were so many there. The plain coffin, without pall or covering, was placed before the desk upon a table, and seated near to it were the few relatives of the dead.

Molick's land, to have a public right-of- way over it, especially so near the water. It might spoil our legal title. So I told him to fence it in before we did any business." "Then you haven't done any business yet?" "Not actually closed it, no. I am about to, and then I hope to do some business with you." Mr. Bellmore smiled frankly, but Mr.

But it is not unproductive labor, as in the South or West, for the fence is of stone, and the capacity of the soil for grass or grain is, of course, increased by its construction. It is killing two birds with one stone: a fence is had, the best in the world, while the available area of the field is enlarged.

He told me that he had a fit of sleeplessness one night lately, and after vainly trying to lose himself in slumber he happened to remember that he once read in an almanac that a man could put himself to sleep by imagining that he saw a lot of sheep jumping over a fence, and by counting them as they jumped.

"If that fence has been cut," he said, in a hard and level tone, "it's been cut by Huntington or his men. You tell him for me, please and you'll be doing him a favor not to forget it tell him that he's a fool to anger me. I've been very patient in this business, but I don't claim patience as one of my virtues. Do you hear? Tell him he's a fool to anger me!"

We cannot make a large garden this year; but our potatoes we must contrive to get in, if we cannot manage anything else." "If we have no fence to make," replied Mr Seagrave, "I think we shall be able to clear away quite enough ground in a week to put in all that we require."