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"I'm afraid you don't know how to respect great men!" she said laughing, as they drew out of the shadow of the Italian garden with its clipped yews and cypresses, and reached a broad terrace whence the undulations of the park stretched westward and upward into the purple fissures and clefts of the mountains. Trees, fells, grass were steeped in a wan, gold light, a mingling of sunset and moonrise.

The ghyll is a rough climb in daylight, and summer tourists, trying to cross the fells, often turn back at the bottom. There is no path and one scrambles over large, sharp stones, some of which are loose and fall at a touch. In places, banks of treacherous gravel drop to the beck, which plunges over ledges into deep, spray-veiled pools.

Though the weather broke, and the familiar rain shrouded the fells, he and Mary walked incessantly among them, exploring those first hours of love, when every tone and touch is charged, for lovers, with the whole meaning of the world.

He has raised his rents, to the danger of depopulating his farms, and he fells his timber, and by exerting every art of augmentation, has obtained an yearly revenue of four hundred pounds, which for a hundred square miles is three halfpence an acre.

We came across the hills, and the first person we spoke to was Master Fenwick, who keeps the Collie Dog at Appleswade. I don't know whether your worship knows the village. I greeted him as usual, and asked him how the wife and children had been faring since I saw him last. He said they were doing brawly, save that the eldest boy had twisted his ankle sorely among the fells."

He stood on the thicket's edge, absently unloading the weapon, scarcely understanding what he had done and what he had not done. A moment later a far hail sounded across the uplands, and against the sky figures moved distantly. "I believe we lunch yonder, do we not, Miles?" "Eight full brace," she commented. "We have five, and an odd cock-pheasant from Black Fells, I suppose.

His only relief from thought, from the remembrance of Sylvia's looks and words, was in violent bodily action. So he went on till evening shadows and ruddy evening lights came out upon the wild fells.

He saw the summits and angles of the old building touched with the cheerful beams, and the grand old trees, and at the opposite side the fells dark, with their backs towards the east; and down the side of the wooded and precipitous clough of Feltram, the light, with a pleasant contrast against the beetling purple of the fells, was breaking in the faint distance.

Yonder darkling brow, rugged, gloomy looking, was Nab Scar; yonder green slope of sunny pasture, stretching wide its two arms as if to enfold the valley, was Fairfield; and here, close on the left, as he faced the lake, were Silver Howe and Helm Crag, with that stony excrescence on the summit of the latter known as the 'Lion and the Lamb. Lady Maulevrier's house stood within a circle of mountain peaks and long fells, which walled in the deep, placid, fertile valley.

"It's a dreadful day," said Mrs. Melrose sharply. "Does it always rain like this?" "Well, it do rain," was Thyrza's cautious reply. "But there that's better than snowin' for t' shepherds." Mrs. Melrose found the girl's voice pleasant, and could not deny that she was pretty, in her rustic way. "Has your father many sheep?" "Aye, but they're all gone up to t' fells for t' winter.