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I shall never get over it!" and he laughed till his sides ached and his cheeks streamed. His laughter was so contagious, and his merriment so genuine, that there was really no resisting it, and the next few minutes witnessed nothing but laughing, and handshaking and rib-punching in the Projectile though Heaven knows there was very little for the poor fellows to be merry about.

I don't mean cold-blooded calculators of profit and loss in life's possibilities; nor yet the plodding dull, who never have imagination enough to quit the beaten track of security; but bright-witted and large-hearted fellows who seem always to be led by common sense, who go steadily from stage to stage of life, doing the right, the prudent things, guilty of no vagaries, winning respect by natural progress, seldom needing aid themselves, often helpful to others, and, through all, good-tempered, deliberate, happy.

But this is not a newspaper.” “It’s part of one.” “Yes, sir, but the rule is against bringing newspapers to tablenot against bringing newspaper clippings to table.” “The rule’s been changed,” said Irving. “It now includes clippings.” “You see how it is, fellows.” Westby turned to the others. “Persecutedalways persecuted. If I’m within the rulesthey change the rules to soak me.

"That cloud a little while ago looked as though it might have had thunder and lightning behind it," observed Bart, "but it was only a false alarm." "Nothing but wind, like a German bulletin," grinned Billy, stretching himself. "Or their U-boat prophecies," added Frank. "But cheer up, fellows, this sunshine can't last forever." There came at last just the kind of weather wanted.

"You slip back into the woods, Tom," whispered Dick. "See if you can find Greg and the other fellows. If you can, bring them up quickly." Dave and I'll stay here, unless Garwood moves away. If he does, Darry and I will follow him. If you hear any war whoops, come running in that direction, you and the other fellows. You'll know that the whoop means that we need you."

It was as much as I could do to keep the strangers from shooting him; but I wouldn't let 'em, for fear they would kill some of my dogs. After we got tired seeing 'em fight, I went in among 'em, and the first time they got him down I socked my knife in the old bear. We then hung him up, and went on to take our elk-hunt. You never seed fellows so delighted as them strangers was.

They were such big, bronzed manly fellows with the note of health and the sense of space about them large space as if they had come out of the heroic youth of the world, that they set my blood a-tingling to look at them.

Excellent fellows, no doubt, but somewhat uncouth and lacking the finer points of breeding; as far as I can see in the short time I have been here they keep themselves to themselves a good deal. I certainly don't wish to mix with them.

Her father sat opposite watching her. "Well, what do you think of it?" he inquired. "I think it's most amusing and and " "Spirited?" "Oh, very spirited!" she laughed. "In fact, I think it's a splendid speech." He seemed gratified. "Some fellows didn't seem to care for it," he observed. "They must have been very stupid, then!" "Old buffers generally are," he replied.

I hear you talk about wines as if you knew them and cared more for them than a boy should; and several times I've heard jokes that meant mischief. For heaven's sake, don't begin to play with this dangerous taste "for fun", as you say, or because it's the fashion, and the other fellows do. Stop at once, and learn that temperance in all things is the only safe rule.