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You say Luke is well fitted for the position." "Oh, anybody could do as well, but Luke puts on airs. He feels too big for his position." "I suppose Mrs. Larkin needs the money." "So does Mrs. Flanagan," said Randolph. "What sort of a boy is Tim? I have heard that he is lazy." "Oh, I guess he'll do. Of course, I am not well acquainted with a boy like him," said the young aristocrat.

Believe that he hath his sorrows and crosses like thyself, and perhaps, as more delicately nurtured, he feels them more; nay, hath he not temptations so great that our Lord hath exclaimed, 'How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of heaven'? And what are temptations but trials; what are trials but perils and sorrows?

No one with any taste for nature will fail to feel the solemnity of the moment when he stands face to face for the first time with primitive man. As the traveller enters the depths of the virgin forest for the first time with sacred awe, he feels that he stands before a still higher revelation of nature when the first dark, naked man suddenly appears.

Barring the proximity of the village, it is a sort of paradise. The very first thing one feels like doing when he gets into camp, all burning up and dusty, is to hunt up a bath.

By and by he quieted down, so that by the time his candle was blown out and he was settled for the night, graver thoughts began to come. "'Tain't right to steal," he said aloud. "I know 'tain't right, 'cause a fellow always feels mean and sneaking after it, and 'cause he's so awful afraid of being found out.

"He has told me of your visit; and I am anxious to know what you think of him. Do you like Mr. John Zant?" Mr. Rayburn hesitated. The careworn look appeared again in her face. "If you had felt as kindly toward him as he feels toward you," she said, "I might have gone to St. Sallins with a lighter heart." Mr. Rayburn thought of the supernatural appearances, described at the close of her narrative.

Oh my!" and away went Kittie in another shriek, that pretty nearly knocked her off the wall, and even made Kat smile while the tears trickled down her muddy cheeks. "I'm sunk clear to my knees," she cried despondently. "And my wrist feels so funny; Kittie, come, help me."

"How do you know what I wouldn't do?" my humorous friend demanded. "Of course I've thought how I can help her it has kept me awake at night. But doing it's impossible; she'll take nothing from me. You know what she does she hugs me and runs away. She has an instinct about me and feels that I've one about her.

When a man knows his wife and daughters are at home, he feels safe. He is in no hurry to be there himself. This was the hour when every man in Jordantown was accustomed to know that. If any one had asked a single one of them the question, "Where's your wife?" he would have answered, "At home, of course!"

I feel sorry for myself as one feels sorry for a child; I sympathize with myself as though I was another person. Sometimes it seems as if my soul sat apart peaceful and quiet, while all the rest of me gave way to deep despondency. But all the while I know that Hugh is safe; that I shall go to him, and that through the mercy of our Saviour we shall find eternal joy.