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The breast of her dress was covered with 'favours; basket and ring, bell and bouquet, a flag, a rosette, a pair of gloves, Rollo could not identify all the details of the harlequin crew; but it looked as if Miss Kennedy had been chosen by everybody, every time! She sat still enough now. 'Look up, child! cried Miss Fisher.

Akerman is inclined to think that it has a Scandinavian character, and favours the supposition that its owner was a Danish lady. This supposition seems borne out by the researches of Dr.

There was in the town, where they then were, a gay bachelor, who lived with his mother and sisters, and was a great admirer of that order of female travellers called Cousin Betties. Coleman’s wife had been with him some months before in that character, was very well entertained, and, amongst other favours, received a present of a silk handkerchief.

I don't know what I might have done no man can say into what shape circumstances may warp him but I hardly think I should have had the conscience to accept the favours of a new lover whilst sitting over the poor remains of the old one; upon my soul, I don't. Knight, in moody meditation, continued looking towards the tomb, which stood staring them in the face like an avenging ghost.

To every outpouring of my love she answered that she was quite ready to become my wife, and that such was to be the limit of my wishes; when she condescended to add that she suffered as much as I did myself, she thought she had bestowed upon me the greatest of favours.

With a long journey before us, and with purses in a nearly collapsed condition, the drafts upon us became so frequent, that at an early hour, under a plea of fatigue and want of rest, we thought it prudent to beat a retreat, leaving our fair and partial fandangueras to bestow their favours upon others better able to bear them.

The renown shared with the latter would be foreign to Napoleon, on whom, nevertheless, depended glory, fortune, every thing; and it was well known, whether from preference or policy, that he was only profuse in his favours to those whose glory was identified with his glory; and that he rewarded less generously such exploits as were not his.

Volat ambiguis Mobilis alis hora, nec ulli Praestat velox Fortuna fidem. SENECA. Hippol. 1141. On fickle wings the minutes haste, And fortune's favours never last. ON the fourth morning Seged rose early, refreshed with sleep, vigorous with health, and eager with expectation.

The gunner also explained it to the boatswain, who did not very well comprehend, but replied "I dare say it's all right shot for shot, and d n all favours." The parties then repaired to the spot with two pairs of ship's pistols, which Mr Tallboys had smuggled on shore; and, as soon as they were on the ground, the gunner called Mr Easthupp out of the cooperage.

It is an old convention of war that that is the dangerous hour, the hour when defenders are weakest and attack most to be feared. For darkness favours the attackers then as night favours the lion, and then dawn comes and they can hold their gains in the light.