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In the meantime the men whom you are asking to build the road must lose not only the interest on their investment, but the investment itself. I know all the facts that bear upon the case." "All but one," answered Tandy. "What is that one?" "That a favorable report from you means a check, right now and here, to-night, payable to 'Bearer, for ten thousand dollars.

We shall have a post in time of war highly advantageous as commanding a favorable position relative to China, we shall extend our commerce, suppress piracy, and prevent the present and prospective advantages from falling into other hands; and we shall do this at small expense.

"Do you recollect that you laughed quite heartily when we promised to retaliate, and 'sell' you on the first favorable opportunity, and that we were defied to do it?" Fred continued. Mr. Brown nodded. "Well, then we are even," I said. "I don't see that you are," the inspector, cried. "Here are two notorious criminals who should be safely locked up, and yet you ask me to spare them until morning.

Louis, chosen as arbiter by both sides, delivered solemnly, on the 23d of January, 1264, a decision which was favorable to the English kingship, but at the same, time expressly upheld the Great Charter and the traditional liberties of England.

I ask your early and favorable consideration of the views which they express as to the urgent need of legislation for the reclamation of the marshes of the Potomac and its Eastern Branch within the limits of the city, and for the repair of the streets of the capital, heretofore laid with wooden blocks and now by decay rendered almost impassable and a source of imminent danger to the health of its citizens.

We considered that concerted operations by those who have a common enemy were entirely justifiable, and might produce effects favorable to both without binding either to guarantee the objects of the other.

The ceremony was accordingly performed by Mr. Broadhead; and they immediately bade a last farewell to the wild regions of Acadia. Clear skies and favorable gales, present enjoyment, and the bright hopes of futurity, rendered their short voyage delightful, and seemed the happy presage of a calm and prosperous life.

Familiarities, forbidden to mere men, become privileges and condescensions when an angel enters society and more especially when that angel has enough of mortality in him to be amusing. Mr. Mirabel, on his social side, is an irresistible companion. He is cheerfulness itself; he takes a favorable view of everything; his sweet temper never differs with anybody.

If the answer is favorable from the Misses Conynghame my sisters shall go to them; but that we had agreed upon already. Then for myself I intend to go abroad, resume my name, and obtain employment in some foreign service. I will trust to the king for assisting me to that." "That is the worst part of it, Edward; but if your peace of mind depends upon it, I will not oppose it."

He was glad to find that this suggestion had met with a favorable reception, especially that of the watt, which was convenient for expressing in an intelligible manner the effective power of a dynamo machine, and for giving a precise idea of the number of lights or effective power to be realized by its current, as well as of the engine power necessary to drive it; 746 watts represented 1 horse-power.