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Crome; and then she kissed Beth, and Beth noticed that she had been eating onions, and for long afterwards she associated the smell with theatres, frivolous talk, and a fair-haired woman smiling fatuously on the brink of perdition.

"Perhaps you will explain," I said, "for what purpose you submitted me to that ordeal. If you proposed to correct my skepticism concerning supernatural manifestations, you have succeeded." "Yes," said my companion, musingly, "they are devilishly clever; but we knew that already." I stared at him, fatuously.

Don't be frightened. We shall be married any time, anywhere you say, to-morrow, if you like, in Hong-Kong." "But, Mr. Hascombe " "Not Mr. Hascombe. Percival, Percy, if you will. Fancy! Love at first sight. One glance on those desolate plains, and you were mine!" "But I'm not. That's what I'm trying to tell you." He looked at her fatuously. "But you will be! My little lady of the manor!

She sat with her small feet set primly on the ground. Her hands were folded in her lap. Dalton was used to girls who lounged or who hung fatuously on his words, as if they had set themselves to please him. But Becky had no arts. She was frank and unaffected, and apparently not unconscious of Dalton's charms. The whole thing was, he felt, going to be rather stimulating.

And this is what Science asserts, while we of the outer churches, through cowardice or indolence too often, alas! through our own skepticism have allowed Science thus to obscure the issue. We have fatuously thought to surrender the sin of Adam, and still to keep a Saviour not perceiving that we must keep both or neither. "There is the issue.

As Las Palmas had been the elder Austin's wedding-gift to his son, so Alaire's dowry from her father had been La Feria, a grant of lands across the Rio Grande beyond the twenty-league belt by which Mexico fatuously strives to guard her border. And to Las Palmas had come the bride and groom to live, to love, and to rear their children.

Why I should so like to do it is another matter and what "outside interest" I may suppose myself to create perhaps still another: I fatuously proceed at any rate, I make so far as I can the small warm dusky homogeneous New York world of the mid-century close about us.

For the better part of a year he had known the old man for an ex-convict whose embezzlings had run high into six figures. Yet he had gone on fatuously swallowing the story that the money of which the old rogue was so free represented nothing but the savings of a thrifty schoolteacher. A dozen things came back to him now to give the lie to that tale.

I happened to be passing with Simmy and thought I'd run in and see—" His gaze fell upon the tall, motionless figure on the opposite side of the room, and the words died on his lips. "It's Anne," said Lutie fatuously. For a moment there was not a sound or a movement in the little room.

She divided a glance between them, to be shared as they would. "But as I was suggestin' ma'am why not attend the sale and outbid the fellow?" "So I can, of course: and so I will, perhaps. Still it's not pleasant to live by a neighbour who thinks he can walk in and hector you, just because you're a woman." "You want protection: that's what you want," observed 'Bias fatuously.