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The questions put by M. Floçon were much the same in every case, and were limited in this early stage of the inquiry to the one point of identity. The first who entered was a Frenchman. He was a jovial, fat-faced, portly man, who answered to the name of Anatole Lafolay, and who described himself as a traveller in precious stones. The berth he had occupied was No. 13 in compartment f.

Without his asking for it I gave him another drink, which quieted him a little; and then put fresh strength into him, so that he burst out again with his curses and abuse. "Cut the heart out of me, will you you scum of rottenness? I'd have you to know that cuttin' hearts out is a game two can play at. Take that, damn you! An' that! An' that! Them's fur your starin' you damn fat-faced blinkin' owl.

Under ordinary circumstances and conditions, at this hour all hands would have been on deck and busy about their preparations for the carrying out of the object of their visit to the island whatever that might be; instead of which the man on the poop, the man who had made fast his painter for him, and the cook a fat-faced, evil-looking man with a most atrocious squint who came to the galley door and stared with malevolent curiosity at him were the only individuals visible.

I have come here with that man and other strangers thus I heard her narrate in low, querulous tones as with a stumpy finger she rearranged the faded hair under her yellow and green scarf. A fat-faced youth with high cheek-bones and the small eyes of a Mongol here nudged her, and said carelessly: "You mean, rather, that your own man has cast you off. Probably he was the only man you ever saw."

And what does it represent, poor stupid little borough with its strong, though I admit clean, smell of meal and its curiously fat-faced inhabitants? Did you ever see such a collection of fat faces turned up at the hustings? They looked like an enormous sofa, with the cheeks for the gathers and the eyes for the buttons."

Across the table a long arm reached. Sinewy fingers closed upon the flowing neckwear of the fat-faced orator and dragged him forward, leaving overturned glasses in the wake of his course. The man in velveteens met the eyes of the energetic manhandler and quailed. This brown-faced barbarian looked very much like business. "Don't you touch me!

It will be your turn soon to take the same journey and find out where Bambooland lies." And, indeed, before the week was out, Simplex's curiosity was satisfied, and he had no need to bother his head about the matter any more. When his turn came he was led to the Kaimakan. The Kaimakan was a fat-faced, big-bellied man who loved his joke.

He was a fat-faced, rotund young squire a bully where he might be, and an obedient creature enough where he must be good-humoured when not interfered with; fond of the table, and brimful of all the jokes of the county, the accent of which just seasoned his speech. He had somehow plunged into a sort of half-engagement with Miss Carrington.

"Troth," said O'Riley, gazing round towards the land, where the distant cliffs loomed black and heavy in the fading light, and out upon the floes and hummocks, where the frost-smoke from pools of open water on the horizon circled round the pinnacles of the icebergs "troth, it's a cowld place intirely to go to wan's bed in, but that fat-faced Exqueemaw seems to be settin' about it quite coolly; so here goes!"

I have only to add, in regard to the Musee Fabre, that it contains the portrait of its founder, a little, pursy, fat-faced, elderly man, whose countenance con- tains few indications of the power that makes distin- guished victims.