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He wore a coarse but neat suit of boy's clothes, one inch too small in every dimension, a white turn-down collar, and a black neckerchief fastidiously tied; and carried a slouched cloth cap in his hand, with which he slapped his knees alternately, after he had taken a seat, and continued to do so without cessation. "Well, Bog," said Mr.

And consider the mediocrities, the dull, ugly, royal persons he was forced to paint! He has wrung the neck of banal eloquence, and his prose, sober, rich, noble, sonorous, rhythmic, is to my taste preferable to the exalted, versatile volubility and lofty poetic tumblings in the azure of any school of painting. His palette is ever cool and fastidiously restricted.

What was he, really, under that calm, fastidiously dressed, handsome exterior? Did he mind the little man with the sardonic smile and the swift unpleasant humor, whose glance reduced the men who served into terrified menials? Her big, blond father, with his rather slow speech, his honest eyes, his slight hesitation before he grasped some of the finer nuances of his father's wit.

Carleton; "but you are so fastidiously nice in all your notions! at this rate nothing will ever satisfy you." "I don't think it is so very uncommon," said Mrs. Thorn. "It seems to me one sees as much of it as can be expected, Mr. Carleton." Mr. Carleton pared his apple with an engrossed air. "O no, Mrs. Thorn," said Mrs.

It was the Absence of Technicality. 'Call! that is all. 'Call upon Me in the day of trouble, and I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me! Call! as a little child calls for his mother. Call! as a drowning man calls for help. Call! as a frenzied woman calls wildly for succor. There are great emergencies in which we do not fastidiously choose our words.

"Do you know her widowed sister, Lady Claudia Beaumont?" "Yes," "And their brother, Lord Dawne?" "Yes well. He and I were 'chums' at Harrow and Oxford, and a common devotion to the same social subjects has kept us together since." "He is a man of most charming manners," she said thoughtfully. "He is," I answered cordially. "I know no one else so fastidiously refined, without being a prig."

This course had been well enough during the period of a high-bred courtship, almost too fastidiously disdainful of the commonplace; but now that the Fairy Princess had become a beggar-maid, while Prince Charming was Prince Charming still, it was natural that the former should recognize its insufficiency.

Yet one morning he had waked late, with a dull headache and sensation of sickness, to find that his door, though closed, was unfastened, and that all his most valuable possessions were missing from the belt. Some were left, as though the thief had fastidiously made his selection, scorning to trouble himself with anything but the best.

I felt as if I had drifted a little bit farther from old times, when we held our heads rather fastidiously high above "odd people." But old Mrs. Samuel Alison was a lady, as even Lady Diana allowed; but of a kind nearly extinct.

Lady Brigit shrank fastidiously into her corner. Another thing to bore her. She was of those women who always hate their fellow-travellers and resent their existence. And this man was too big, there was too much fur on his coat, too much scent on his handkerchief. "Salut demeure chaste et pure," he began singing, suddenly, apparently quite unconscious of his companion's presence. "Salut demeure " It was a high baritone voice, sweet and round, and his r's were like Théo Joyselle's. Brigit smiled. Dear Théo! Her mother could be as nasty as she liked, but they would be happy in spite of her. And then, as in the beginning of the world, it was light, and the girl recognised in her suddenly silent vis-