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And as Farquhar stood and watched Ranald at his work, and noted with surprise how briskly and cleverly the blacks swung into their places, and detected also with his experienced eye that Aleck was beginning to show signs of hurry, he entered into the spirit of the contest, and determined to allow his team to win victory for themselves and their driver if they could.

Frances had been out for three years, and was a social favourite. Consequently, it may be wondered why she was unhappy. In plain English, Frances Farquhar had been jilted just a commonplace, everyday jilting!

"There, old man!" he exclaimed. "What do you think of that? Something of a sendoff, eh?" And he pointed to a rather stout and important gentleman in the foreground. "That's me!" he said proudly, "and they wouldn't do that for Farquhar Fenelon Cooke in Philadelphia." "A prophet is without honor in his own country," I remarked. "I don't set up for a prophet," said Mr.

"Ah, well! if that very fact was the thing which carried them through," his laugh ending in a shrewd smile. This carried the ingenuous mind of his companion beyond its depth. "I don't see where the joke would come in," he said, rather ruefully. "I should have thought nothing else would do it for them." Farquhar slapped him on the shoulder. "So you would," he said.

A shade of melancholy came over her charming face as she turned alone towards the spring. Mrs. Farquhar, Colonel Fane, and a great many of their first and second cousins were at the station the morning the Bensons and King and Forbes departed for the North.

Hackit had a large plumcake in cut, ready to meet incidental attacks of hunger. So that Dickey had considerably modified his views as to the desirability of Mrs. Hackit's kisses. The Misses Farquhar made particular pets of Fred and Sophy, to whom they undertook to give lessons twice a-week in writing and geography; and Mrs. Farquhar devised many treats for the little ones.

He turned almost unconsciously to ask whose arms were thus represented, but the Rector had left him for a minute, and he heard an irritating "Ha, ha, ha!" at some distance down the nave, that convinced him that the story of Sir George Farquhar and the postponed fees was being retold in the dusk to a new victim.

Farquhar declared at once that she had no scruples about going up Washington, commonplace as the trip was, for her sympathies were now all with the common people. Of course Mount Washington was of no special importance, now that the Black Mountains were in the Union, but she hadn't a bit of prejudice. King praised her courage and her patriotism. But perhaps she did not know how much she risked.

"I can't rest until I've told someone about it. I want you to advise me what to do." Farquhar allowed himself to be led away into a more secluded spot. He was not, it must be confessed, greatly interested, but he was well disposed towards the member from Hamlin and would listen.

I want to know how he is to-day, both bodily and mentally; for indeed, Mr Farquhar, I should not have been surprised last night if he had dropped down dead, so terrible was his strain upon himself." Mr Benson was left at the door as he had desired, while Mr Farquhar went in. "Oh, Mr Farquhar, what is the matter?" exclaimed the girls, running to him. "Mamma sits crying in the old nursery.