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SCENE I. Saloon in the PRESIDENT'S House. FERDINAND VON WALTER enters in great excitement with an open letter in his hand, and is met by a SERVANT. FERDINAND. Is the marshal here? SERVANT. My lord, his highness the president is inquiring for you. FERDINAND. Fire and fury! I ask is the marshal here? SERVANT. His honor is engaged at the faro-table, above stairs.

He went to the faro-table with the firm resolution to lose the rather considerable sum which he had in his pocket. But the luck which accompanied him in everything he set about was true to him here too. Everything he staked on won. His luck shipwrecked the cabalistic calculations of the old, deeply experienced gamblers.

The pleasure she felt shewed itself in her blushes, and when she came into the drawing-room she was asked if she had been fighting, which made her blush still more. The faro-table was ready, but before sitting down I told Clairmont to get me four good horses for the following day. I wanted to go to Lodi and back by dinnertime.

"Yes," said the Abbe, with his peculiar look and tone of good-natured irony, "between the pretty things you are saying and hearing from Fear nothing, I am not going to name any one, but every pretty woman in company. I grant you it must be difficult to hear reason in such a situation as difficult almost as in the midst of the din of all the passions at the faro-table.

For, lookye, there was two of us in London, a rascal Irishman and me, that lived in the same lodgings. We did that to save cost, after we'd both had dogs' fortune at the cards and the faro-table.

As I intended to take a trip to Paris, I placed one thousand sequins in M. de Bragadin's hands, and with that project in view I had the courage to pass the carnival without risking my money at the faro-table. I had taken a share of one-fourth in the bank of an honest patrician, and early in Lent he handed me a large sum. Towards mid-Lent my friend Baletti returned from Mantua to Venice.

I left them still holding the six double louis, which pride or scorn had refused, and I went to the faro-table and decided in sacrificing them to fortune; but that capricious deity, as proud as the haughty widow, refused them, and though I left them on the board for five deals I almost broke the bank.

He is as meek as a sheep and as timid as a girl. His Eminence is very kind to him." "What is the nature of the affair?" "Oh! a question of three hundred thousand francs." "Then the man is a lawyer?" I said, with a slight shrug. "Yes," she replied. Somewhat confused by this humiliating avowal, Madame Bodard returned to her place at a faro-table. All the tables were full.

Connal was, upon all occasions, careful to impress upon Ormond's mind, that he left him wholly to himself, for he was aware, that in former days, he had offended his independent spirit by airs of protection. He managed better now he never even invited him to play, though it was his main object to draw him to his faro-table.

Cherry gathered that Glenister was still winning, for a glimpse of the wheel-rack between the shoulders of those ahead showed that the checks were nearly out of it. Plainly it was but a question of minutes, so she backed out and took her station beside the faro-table where the Bronco Kid was dealing.