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That is my answer, sirr; I hope it does not disappoint you." "Not in the least," said Farnham, putting on his hat. "It is precisely what I should have expected of you." "Thank you, sirr. Call again, sirr."

Farnham realized the impulse, and drew back, not shrinking away, but bracing for the contest. But the engineer gripped himself in time. "Hayes," he ejaculated hoarsely, "let the lady decide this. If she says no, then, by God, I 'll fight you all single-handed before he ever puts touch upon her!" Old Bill Hicks was beside him in a single stride, his face blazing.

"I wish you could know her," she said to Farnham, with a sudden impulse of sympathy.

They gathered about him for a moment, and then two of them were seen supporting him on his way into the town. Farnham was standing behind his men, and a little apart. He was thinking whether it might not be best to take them at once into the street and disperse the crowd, when he felt a touch at his elbow. He turned, and saw his gardener, Ferguson. "If I might speak a word, sir!"

Temple smiled, evidently pleased with the question. "You've been in Spain, haven't you?" "Yes," said Farnham. "You know this is the genuine stuff, then?" "No doubt of it." "How do you know?" "The usual way by seeing and drinking it at the tables of men who know what they are about." "Well, I have never been out of the United States, and yet I have learned about wine in just the same way.

His intention was to keep them together on his own place during the early part of the night, and if, toward midnight, all seemed quiet, to scatter them as a patrol about the neighborhood; in case of serious disturbance anywhere else, to be ready to take part in restoring order. About nine o'clock a man was seen coming rapidly from the house to the rear garden, where Farnham and his company were.

That damn Farnham swore out that warrant down in San Juan, ther blame, ornery cur. It was a low-down, measly trick, an' he actually had the nerve ter use me ter play out his game fer him. Lord! if ever I git my hand on him I 'll shut down hard." No one answered him, the thought of all recurring reverently to the motionless, silent dead without.

Belding saw this pretty group of apparent lovers on a rich background of Jacqueminot roses. Startled more at the words of Farnham than at the entry of Mrs. Belding, Maud had started up, like Vivien, "stiff as a viper frozen." Her first thought was whether she had crushed her hat on his shoulder, and her hands flew instinctively to her head-gear.

Farnham, seeing that this was all there was left of the fight, ordered the men to fall back, and, approaching the recalcitrant, said sharply: "Drop that hammer, and surrender! We are officers of the law, and if you resist any longer you'll be hurt." "I don't mind that. I was waiting for you," the man said, and made a quick and savage rush and blow at Farnham.

Farnham would meet it with reproof to herself or insult to Mary, and she could not force herself to speak of this, as a cause of her sadness, or ask permission to visit her friend. For two or three days she was compelled to follow Mrs.