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Farmer Cole had agreed to lend Joe for the important day, and it looked as if the hired man would not find his post a sinecure. "If ever a place was misnamed," Aunt Abigail remarked one day, "this is the spot. Dolittle Cottage. Do-little Cottage," she repeated, with an emphasis calculated to make her meaning apparent to the most obtuse.

Those words of his old companion completely disarmed him for the moment, and to finish his discomfiture, just then Farmer Tallington came out of the cottage looking whiter and more haggard than before. He came to where the wheelwright was standing, and spoke huskily. "I can't bear it," he said. "It is too horrible. Might hev been me, and what would my poor lass do?

"You, Harry?" repeated his mother, in surprise, "what could you do to earn the money?" "I don't know, yet," answered Harry; "but there are a great many things to be done." "I don't know what you can do, except to hire out to a farmer, and they pay very little. Besides, I don't know of any farmer in the town that wants a boy. Most of them have boys of their own, or men."

If the pulse of either the merchant or the farmer had been due to peritonitis death would have ended either one before his abscess had broken. In fact diffuse peritonitis comes from perforation with discharge of the abscess contents into the peritoneal cavity, and it always spells death.

I think that the farmer displaces the Indian even because he redeems the meadow, and so makes himself stronger and in some respects more natural.

Our native supplies of hardwoods and softwoods are used for general building purposes, for farm repairs, for railroad ties, in the furniture and veneer industry, in the handle industry, and in the vehicle and agricultural implement industries. On the average each American farmer uses about 2,000 board feet of lumber each year.

I went near, and peeping over her shoulder, saw that she was reading "The History of Graciosa and Percinet." "Very improving book, sir," remarked the old farmer, with a good-humoured laugh. "We are in the very hottest corner of Fairy Land here. Ha! ha! Stormy night, last night, sir." "Was it, indeed?" I rejoined. "It was not so with me. A lovelier night I never saw." "Indeed!

At threshing time the crew looked forward to working for Ben, the farmer, and dreaded the meals prepared by Bella, his wife. She was notoriously the worst cook and housekeeper in the county.

"Indeed, I don't believe there is, Farmer Hartley," replied Hilda, laughing merrily; "at least I never saw one like it. It is pretty, I think, and so comfortable! And where are you going this morning with the mammoths?" "Down to the ten-acre lot," replied the farmer. "The men are makin' hay thar to-day. Jump into the riggin' and come along," he added.

But the intensive system of farming not only gives regular employment and good wages; it also fits the labourer of to-day in a country where a man can strike out for himself to be the successful farmer of to-morrow.