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In this respect he was so far free from the prejudices of his order that he selected as his lieutenants not men of rank, but the excellent officer Publius Rutilius Rufus, who was esteemed in military circles for his exemplary discipline and as the author of an altered and improved system of drill, and the brave Latin farmer's son Gaius Marius, who had risen from the pike.

I tell you, Adelaide, a pound of gumption will make a better husband than a shipload of ancestry, and I just hope you will more than like your husband, that's all." With that the old lady arose and walked to the house. March 14, 1907. Mr. Percy Johnston, Heart-of-Egypt, Ill. MY DEAR Friend: We were delighted to receive your interesting letter of March 2, describing the Farmer's Institute.

All of them tried, but only one succeeded. That one was found to be a man! Thus was the Queen satisfied, and the faithful old vizier saved. Afterward, as soon as could be, the vizier's son married the old farmer's daughter; and a most happy marriage it was. Once upon a time there were a Rajah and Ranee who had no children.

I must confess at starting that the regard I have for one of his poems, the Farmer's Boy, is not wholly a matter of literary taste or the critical faculty; it is also, to some extent, a matter of association, and as the story of how this comes about is rather curious, I will venture to give it.

For whom was such a house as Beamingham Hall originally built, a house not grand enough for a squire's mansion, and too large for a farmer's homestead? Such houses throughout England are much more numerous than Englishmen think, either still in good repair, as was Beamingham Hall, or going into decay under the lessened domestic wants of the present holders.

We had the mortification of hearing that a very elegant carriage of Mad. de 's has been put in requisition, and taken to convey a tinman and two farriers who were going to Paris on a mission that two of her farmer's best horses had been killed by hard work in taking provisions to the army, and that they are now cutting down the young wood on her estate to make pikes.

Advisin' me to throw my cider away! Whenever any amendment is suggested, some "gran'sir" or other will be sure to block the way. That he has been two generations dead, or that he has no apparent connection with the point at issue, may be indisputably proved, but it does not open the road. Nor will the farmer's sons be any more ready to avail themselves of their college than the farmer's self.

Spring turned into summer, and Bobby spent most of his days out of doors. One afternoon his nurse took him to a farm. She was great friends with the farmer's wife, and Bobby loved a visit there, for he was allowed to wander about round the farm and watch the farm hands in their various occupations. This afternoon he crossed a field to see a young colt.

Farmer, he dropped in the shop pretty often to pass the time of day and measure her up; and for her part being a man-loving sort of woman, who had lost a good husband, but didn't see no very stark cause why she shouldn't find another, she discovered after a bit what was lurking in the farmer's mind.

In all his quarrels with Clement, no possibility of the man breaking his oath once troubled Will's mind; and now profound sorrow at his friend's death and deep sympathy with Chris were the emotions that entirely filled the young farmer's heart. Grimbal watched his enemy as the service beside the grave proceeded.