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Oke, as I saw it in my imagination this bizarre creature of enigmatic, far-fetched exquisiteness that she should have no interest in the present, but only an eccentric passion in the past. It seemed to give the meaning to the absent look in her eyes, to her irrelevant and far-off smile.

It began this morning with Hat saying I spent too much money." "Did she say that? How unreasonable, how far-fetched!" "'What's the good of having it, I said, 'if I can't spend it? "'You'd buy anything, she said, 'that anybody wanted you to buy, if it was a mangy stuffed monkey. It isn't generosity, she said; 'it's just weakness. "'Oh, suck an orange! I said, 'Chew gum!

"Another thing, you beg of me not to say a word of my having been in Poland; and for that purpose you have withheld the letter which I sent to you to forward to my mother! You offer far-fetched and precious excuses for having betrayed your own wisdom, and your pupil's innocence, into so mortal an offence.

Were there any way to parade the circumstance and bedeck it with pleasing adornments of filed phrases, tropes and far-fetched similes, I would not grudge you a deal of verbal pageantry. But three words say all. I love you. There is no act in my past life but appears trivial and strange to me, and to the man who performed it I seem no more akin than to Mark Antony or Nebuchadnezzar. I love you.

She soon grew anxious to get away from her brother's "unpleasantly sensible remarks," and Isabel's gentle excuses for her conduct, which annoyed her even more, as they always suggested motives for her actions which were far beyond her ken, and seemed far-fetched, over-strained, and absurd. So she took the child to London, where she introduced her to her friends as her latest plaything.

Mr. Richardson, in his History of the Greyhound, gives a different derivation of the name of this dog. He says that the 'greyhound' was of Grecian origin 'cannis Graecus', that 'Graecus' was not unfrequently written 'Graeius', and thence was derived the term 'greyhound'. This derivation, however, is somewhat too far-fetched.

The language is like the language of Bunyan, that of a man who trained himself not merely to speak but to think in the words of Scripture. Every expression is simple and effective, never far-fetched, never mean nor common. The substance is worthy of the style.

And this befell most evenings, from the hour when we unclothed till long after we had gone to rest; and I was fain to keep my eyes open while, for the twentieth time, she would expound to me her far-fetched visions: that the Mamelukes of Egypt, who were all slaves and whose Sultan was chosen from among themselves, had of a surety set Herdegen on the throne, seeing him to be the goodliest and noblest of them all.

Beauly, as Mr. Playmore had foretold? This time I was obliged to answer him. In doing so, I unconsciously employed one of the phrases which the lawyer had used to me during my first interview with him. "That sounds rather far-fetched, Mr. Dexter," I said. To my relief, he made no attempt to defend the new view that he had advanced. "It is far-fetched," he admitted.

The allusions in Butler are often dark and far-fetched; and though scarcely any author was ever able to express his thoughts in so few words, he often employs too many thoughts on one subject, and thereby becomes prolix after an unusual manner.