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There was a pair of bracelets, in particular, that Grace had highly prized, and which were very pretty in themselves. My father had purchased the stones rubies of some beauty in one of his voyages, for my mother, who had fancied them too showy for her to wear.

He had set himself to find a solution to the age-old problem of capital and labor.... He had not realized how many elements entered into the matter, and what a high degree of specialized knowledge must be brought to the task. In the beginning he had fancied himself as capable of working out the basis for ideal relations between him and his employees as any other.

I dared not kill myself, for I was a soldier and a Christian, and belonged to God and my Queen. The Sikhs would not kill me, do what I would to help them. Then I threw myself into science, that I might stifle passion; and I stifled it. I fancied myself cured, and I was cured; and I returned to England again. I loved your brother for her sake; I loved you at first for her sake, then for your own.

"Searle," said the colonel, after they had walked along silently for a few minutes, "I was telling you this evening about that vacant captaincy." "Yes, you were telling me I shouldn't have it," replied Philip, with an accent of injured friendship. "Well, I fancied it out of my power to do anything about it. But" "Well, but?" "I think I might get it for you, for for"

I have been sitting the last hour by myself, and have fancied that time moved not with its usual swiftness, that the old year lingered with a sad regret, as if loath to pass away and let the new come in.

He fancied honest Jones, the butcher, had more mere pleasure from the silver snuff-box he had given him, than he had himself from his fortune. Relieved he certainly was, but the relief was not happiness. His debt had been the stone that blocked up the gate of Paradise: the stone was rolled away, but the gate was not therefore open.

'Cruel cruel! she muttered. 'O Angus, I have been so patient! I have clung to hope in the face of despair. When my husband died I fancied your old love would reawaken. How can such things die? I thought it was to me you would come back to me, whom you once loved so passionately not to that girl. You came back to her, and still I was patient. I set myself against her, to win back your love.

"When will the conversation begin?" Madame de Clagny asked of Dinah, as one might ask, "When do the fireworks go off?" "I fancied we should hear some amusing stories," said Madame Popinot to her cousin, the Presidente Boirouge.

When Guillaume, his sons and his brother reached home and entered the large workroom overlooking Paris, it was so dark that they fancied nobody was there. "What! nobody in?" said Guillaume. But in a somewhat low, quiet voice Francois answered out of the gloom: "Why, yes, I'm here."

They spoke freely enough before me, for they fancied, I believe, that I did not understand them. I was one day beginning to tell Peter what I had been hearing. "Jack," said he, "I have a piece of advice to give you, which you'll find useful through life. Never go and repeat what you hear about anybody.