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One time, however, is very clear in my memory, when two whole days passed, and fine days too, without any sign of her, and Aunt Jeanne Falla knew nothing more of her than I did. My grandfather was out fishing in our smaller boat, and Krok was bringing home vraic in the larger, but it was not lack of a boat that could keep me from news of Carette.

He had just stepped over to Falla to chat a while with the old mistress, who had now moved out of the big farmhouse and was living in an attic room in one of the cottages on the estate. She was one of many lonely old people on whom the Emperor of Portugallia peeped in occasionally, to speak a word of cheer so as to keep them in good spirits.

He felt that such a thing could never have happened without her sanction, and inferred from this that he had done something to incur her displeasure; but what he could not imagine! He had brooded over this all through the long winter evenings; through the long dark mornings, when threshing in the barn at Falla; through the short days, when carting wood from the big forest.

Now Börje sided with Jan, so Lars had to give in of course; but precious time had been consumed while they argued with him, and Jan felt as if all the life had &one out of his body. "Nothing matters now," thought he. "Eric of Falla will be beyond our help when we arrive." The old bay jogged along the forest road as well as it could, but it had not the strength for a heavy pull like this.

And he also knew that Eric of Falla was just as confident at handling the reins as at everything else. As for Eric's wife why she had borne and reared seven children; therefore he should not have felt the least bit uneasy. Once they were well on their way and Jan had again gone back to his digging, a terrible sense of fear came over him. What if Eric's horse should shy?

"If I had known, I would have got a letter from Aunt Jeanne Falla, but such a thing never entered into my head for a moment." "You know Madame Le Marchant Miss Jeanne Falla that was?" "Know Aunt Jeanne? Well, I should I mean, yes, madame, I mean ma'm'zelle. She has known me from the day I was born." "Ah!... And you think she would have accorded you permission to see mademoiselle?"

Before the second north-eastern reach, the interpreters exclaimed "Yellala falla" "the cataract is speaking," and we could distinctly hear the cheering roar. The stream now assumed the aspect of Niagara below the Falls, and the circular eddies boiling up from below, and showing distinct convexity, suggested the dangerous "wells" of the northern seas.

When the old man told his son that Lars Gunnarson was not likely to come to the party this year, the latter was very much disappointed. "But it's no fault of mine," Ol' Bengsta declared. "Lars isn't exactly my kind, but all the same, on your account, I went down to Falla yesterday and invited him." "Maybe he's weary of these parties," said the son. "Oh, no," returned Ol' Bengtsa.

"Eric of Falla gave us the lot on which this house stands," she said, "and no one has the right to take it away from us!" "And no one has any intention of doing so," said the new owner in a pacifying tone. He only wanted to have everything regular, that was all. If Jan could let him have a hundred rix-dollars by October fairtime "A hundred rix-dollars!"

You can go over to the Dean for a license, mon gars, and I'll be all ready Wednesday you understand." And Jean Le Marchant smiled and said, "At Beaumanoir Mistress Falla rules the roost. Everyone does as she says." "I should think so," said Aunt Jeanne, with an emphatic nod. "If they don't I know the reason why. So we'll say Wednesday. Have you had the news, Phil?" "What news then, Aunt Jeanne?"