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And say, Phil, mon gars, don't let that young cub from Herm get ahead of you. He's been making fine play while you've been away." And I waved my hand and sped back to the merrymaking. It was close upon the dawn before Jeanne Falla's party broke up, and as I jogged soberly down the lane from La Vauroque on Gray Robin, I met the jovial ones all streaming homewards.

How I wish she had known!" sighed Carette longingly, for Aunt Jeanne Falla's gâche had a name all over Sercq. "And everybody is well except old Père Guérin, and he is cutting a new tooth, they say, and it makes him sour in the temper." "Why, he's over ninety!" exclaimed Carette. "Ninety-two next January. That's why he's so annoyed about it.

The old man was said to have been rich at one time; he had once owned seven big farmsteads, each in itself worth as much as Eric of Falla's farm. But in some unaccountable way he had disposed of his property and was now quite penniless. However, the next morning Glory Goldie went over to the brook the same as usual.

These ran chiefly towards a sobriety of behaviour which was not natural to her, and which seemed to me assumed for my special benefit and tantalisation, and I was expecting every minute to see the sober cloak cast aside and the laughing Carette of earlier days dance out into the sunshine of our old camaraderie. Aunt Jeanne Falla's twinkling eyes furthered the hope. But it was not realised.

"All the same, he is a fine man, your grandfather, and a seaman beyond most. You will follow the sea? or are you for the farming?" "The sea sure, but it will be in the trading, I expect." "It is larger than the farming, but not very large after all." "When will I be able to see Carette, m'sieur?" "Not for ten days or so. As soon as she is well enough I shall carry her over to Mistress Falla's.

Black Boy watched him viciously, with white gleams in his eyes, and winced at sound of the switch. But before Torode had made up his mind, Jeanne Falla's sharp voice called from the gate, "Now then, you two, the coffee's getting cold. Come in and eat while you have the chance."

He stayed in the hut day after day, and it looked as though Eric of Falla's rye would go unthreshed that year. It was Katrina who nursed the little girl, who spread the quilt over her every time she cast it off, and who fed her a little diluted blueberry cordial, which the housewife at Falla had sent them.

"Hello, then! Who's there?" said a voice inside. I waited, but no one came. It was no good talking through a door, so I lifted the latch doubtfully and put in my head. It was a large wide room, larger than Jeanne Falla's kitchen at Beaumanoir, and though there was no fern-bed and it was the first living-room I had seen without one there was a look of great warmth and comfort about it.

Here he leaned against the counter and feebly ogled the attendant nymph. 'Hoots man! he heard one of the roughs remark to another. 'This falla's no the English birkie. English he canna be. 'But aiblins he's ane o' oor ain polis, said the man of suspicions. 'Nane o' oor polis has the gumption; and him as fou as a fiddler. Merton, waving his glass, swallowed its contents at three gulps.

I'm up at Jeanne Falla's party at Beaumanoir, and I've only just remembered that I haven't got a horse for to-morrow." "Aw, then a horse for to-morrow! Yes of course!" and he began to gurgle inside, though bits of it would come out "A horse! Of course you want a horse! And who ?" "Can you let me have Black Boy if you've got him yet?" "I'll come down, mon gars.