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Of this I am certain, that I never witnessed greater kindness than in Lord Byron." Byron's note to which Hoppner alludes is in Marino Faliero. I was persecuted by these tourists even to my riding ground at Lido, and reduced to the most disagreeable circuits to avoid them.

Byron's curiously marked predilection for dramatic composition, not merely for dramatic poems, as Manfred or Cain, but for genuine plays, as Marino Faliero, Werner, the Two Foscari, was the only sign of his approach to the really positive spirit.

The worth of "Cain," of "Sardanapalus," of "Manfred," of "Marino Faliero," is the worth of an outlook over the sea; and we cannot take a sample of the scene from a cliff by putting a pint of water into a bottle. But Byron's critics and the compilers tell us of failures, which ought not to survive, and that we are doing a kindness to him if we suppress these and exhibit him at his best.

Indeed, generally, more power and genius are required for the objective treatment of a subject than is supposed. Thus, too, Lord Byron, notwithstanding his predominant personality, has sometimes had the power of renouncing himself altogether, as may be seen in some of his dramatic pieces, particularly in his Marino Faliero.

At the head of the Giant's Staircase, where Marino Faliero was beheaded, and where the Doges were crowned in ancient times, two small slits in the stone wall were pointed out two harmless, insignificant orifices that would never attract a stranger's attention yet these were the terrible Lions' Mouths!

He was invited to Paris as the successor of Rossini, and wrote his "Marino Faliero" for the Theatre des Italiens. In 1840 he revisited Paris and produced "Il Poliuto," "La Fille du Regiment," and "La Favorita." Leaving Paris he visited Rome, Milan, and Vienna, bringing out "Linda di Chamouni" in the latter city.

Leigh and others in attributing to him the Tales of a Landlord, the appearance of Lalla Rookh, preparations for Marino Faliero, and the progress of Childe Harold iv. Only another slope of ascent lay between him and the pinnacle, over which shines the red star of Cain.

For some time she was an Angiolina and he a Marino Faliero, a good old man; but young Italian women are not satisfied with good old men, and the venerable Count did not object to her availing herself of the privileges of her country in selecting a cicisbeo; an Italian would have made it quite agreeable: indeed, for some time he winked at our intimacy, but at length made an exception against me, as a foreigner, a heretic, an Englishman, and, what was worse than all, a Liberal.

Delavigne, Marino Faliero, a Historical Drama. Lord Byron, The same. Smedley's Sketches from Venetian History. Daru, Hist. de la Republique de Venise. So much for the way in which to choose your books.

Then I began to read Manfred, Marino Faliero, Sardanapalus the Deformed Transformed ... The Bride of Abydos, The Corsair, Lara, The Prisoner of Chillon. The frontispiece to the book was a portrait of Byron with flowing tie and open shirt.