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I fairly stampeded down the hall, running full tilt against Aubrey, and nearly folding him up. "Oh! Oh!" I gasped, dancing up and down before him excitedly. He seized both my hands. "Hold still, Faith! What's the matter? Tell me!" "They're engaged!" I wailed. "I'm too late! Cary has lost him!" "Who?" "Artie and Flora." "What makes you think so?" "He's kissing her!

Am. I should domineer. Alcan. I then should make love elsewhere. Am. Well, I find we shall not agree then. Alcan. Faith now we have disputed a point I never thought on before, I would willingly pursue it for the humour on't, not that I think I shall much approve on't. Pis. Give him your hand, Aminta, and conclude, 'Tis time this haughty humour were subdu'd.

The details of the struggle, however, are not given us; it is the result only that we know. But it is evident that the progress of his mind from the bog-region of orthodoxy to the high realms of thought and faith was a slow proceeding, not rolled onward as with the chariot-wheels of a fierce and sudden revolution, but gradually developed in a long series of births, growths, and deaths.

While you are plotting it, she sits by every fireside in the land where there is piety, culture, and free thought. Faith in God, faith in man, faith in work, this is the short formula in which we may sum up the teaching of the founders of New England, a creed ample enough for this life and the next.

Christian faith has appeared to many an easy thing; nay, not a few even reckon it among the social virtues, as it were; and this they do because they have not made proof of it experimentally, and have never tasted of what efficacy it is.

"It has been our chief aim," they said, "to let everyone fully and clearly understand what our views are with regard to the articles of the Christian faith." And here the hymns were powerful preachers of the faith. They spread the Brethren's creed in all directions.

Yes, Harry, if you think duty calls you to the field, in defence of a cause so just and righteous as ours, go. You will be under the care of the same Providence there as elsewhere. Go, and with a dying mother's blessing, and a prayer of faith for your safety and success, do battle manfully for the Heaven-favored side, till the oppressor be cast down, and the oppressed go free."

So those minds and hearts that now bear the fruits of faith were barren till they were broken; and those on which the good seed has often been thrown, only to be thrown away, may yet yield an increase of a hundredfold to their owner, when conviction and repentance shall have rent them open to admit the word of life. Felix the Roman governor was a specimen of the trodden way side.

It is one of the sweetest consolations taught us by holy Faith that the bones now withered and nameless in those famine pits, where they were laid in their shroudless misery, shall one day, touched by His Almighty power, be reunited to those happy souls, in a union that can know no end, and can feel no sorrow. Mr. Lambert of Brookhill's letter to the Lord Lieutenant, October 4th.

God will remit the death penalty to all who are "in Christ" and "justified by faith"; that is, we shall all rise from the dead as He rose. Apparently Paul's belief was that no one would ever have died but for the sin of Adam, a taint which has affected all Adam's descendants. Death in his view was synonymous with annihilation.