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As he clasped the neck, a chill seized the hysterical frame of the poor gentleman, a deadly paleness overspread his features, and his head fell with a groan against the tall back of the chair. Was it in truth a fainting-fit, or did the sufferer take advantage of his emotion to play a part and escape the embarrassment of his situation?

At one meeting at an inn in Hammersmith she made her appearance without the child, and told the girl it was so ill that it would not live through the night. The news, and fatigue, brought on a fainting-fit.... Miss Aldclyffe's sobs choked her utterance, and she became painfully agitated.

I suffered her to fall from my arm in a fainting-fit; shot with the rapidity of an arrow through the astonished guests, reached the gate, threw myself into the first conveyance I met with, and returned to the town, where this time, unfortunately, I had left the wary Bendel. He was alarmed on seeing me: one word explained all. Post-horses were immediately procured.

I had frightened them all by my fainting-fit, but after all it was nothing. The doctor who had been fetched hastily by my frightened lover reassured them. "Did you think she was sickening for the small-pox?" he asked, looking from one face to the other with bright intelligence.

"Whom do you mean?" "With Mr. Jackson." "Jackson," said the doctor, startled. "I thought he had left." "He was to leave this morning by the ten o'clock train, but he had a fainting-fit. We recovered him with brandy and he was too well, for this afternoon he faint again." "Where is he now?" asked van Heerden, after a pause. "In his room, monsieur.

Such was the excitement that the Parker's Falls Gazette anticipated its regular day of publication, and came out with half a form of blank paper and a column of double pica emphasized with capitals and headed "HORRID MURDER OF MR. HIGGINBOTHAM!" Among other dreadful details, the printed account described the mark of the cord round the dead man's neck and stated the number of thousand dollars of which he had been robbed; there was much pathos, also, about the affliction of his niece, who had gone from one fainting-fit to another ever since her uncle was found hanging on the St.

"No... I feel a little weak... but I shall manage." Indeed, he reached the window of the embrasure pretty quickly and crept along the passage in the wake of his rescuer. The open air, however, seemed to make him giddy. Also, to give himself strength, he had drunk half the bottle of wine; and he had a fainting-fit that kept him lying on the stones of the embrasure for half an hour.

Knowing Paul's pride in his German ancestry, and having been present when, in seasons of swollen pride, he had reflected invidiously in Andrea's presence on Mexico and all things Mexican, the artist, in a wicked moment, taught her to lisp "Hoch der Kaiser!" lèse-majesté that almost caused Paul a fainting-fit. "You shouldn't have taught her that," he said to Bachelder. But the mischief was done.

"Do you refuse to give me satisfaction?" "What satisfaction do I owe you?" "You insulted me." "When?" "And you said: 'The day, the place, the weapons. I leave all to your choice." M. Langis could not refrain from smiling. "Ah! you at last acknowledge that your fainting-fit was comedy?" he rejoined.

The young lady would be all right, on his word and honor, my dear Sir Victor, in a week or two. Sir Victor listened very gloomily. He had heard from the hall porter of Mr. Stuart's flying visit, and of his brief interview with Miss Darrell. It was very strange his hasty coming, his hasty going, without seeing any of them, his interview with Edith, and her fainting-fit immediately after.