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There was the faintest touch of gray in his hair and his fingers played nervously with the ragged and illadvised beard on his chin. He hardly looked the man who had evaded serious work in order to encourage a silly obsession, comfortably supported all the while by a sizable remittance from his father. I outlined to them my plans for gathering samples of the weed.

It was not so much because she had heard he was in love, that she realized it; that even then her faith, in its ashes, repudiated. But when Devenish had said alluding to the faintest chance of his return "I shouldn't be here, I assure you, if there were," she had been made conscious of Traill's tacit permission unspoken no doubt to Devenish which had prompted his visit to her rooms.

He put his cheek to her lips; not the faintest breath came from them; and then for the first time a change passed over his countenance: he pressed upon those lips one long and last kiss, and, without word, or sign, or tear, he turned from the chamber. Two hours afterwards he was found senseless upon the ground; it was upon the spot where he had met Emily the night before.

With this last sentence the letter closed. Not a word betrayed the faintest regret at severing so solemn a bond. He searched it over and over to see if in some corner he could not find one tender word for him, a word that would reveal down deep in her heart the light of her great love for him, even such love as he had for her a faint glimmer through the clouds of anger and recrimination.

Nothing nothing was there anywhere on the islet of Stanton not a trace. "What were we to do? Precisely the same arguments that had kept us there the night before held good now and doubly good. We could not abandon these two; could not go as long as there was the faintest hope of finding them and yet for love of each other how could we remain?

For when your men get sulky, you watch vigilantly for the first and faintest EXCUSE to inflict punishment. This game always seemed to me very fascinating, when played right. It is often played wrong. People do not look far enough.

I'm going down there with you, and I'm going to fight. Now have you got anything to say against me, Mr. Philip?" There was a lightness in her words, and yet not in her voice. In her manner was an uneasiness, mingled with an almost childish eagerness for him to answer, which Philip could not understand. He fancied that once or twice he had caught the faintest sign of a break in her voice.

And a battle royal Rachel quite expected; nor had she the faintest intention of disguising what she had done; but it was her husband who was to be taken aback, for a change. The Steels dined alone, as usual, or as much alone as a man and his wife with a butler and two footmen are permitted to be at their meals. Steel was at his best after these jaunts of his to Northborough and the club.

She was handsomer than she had been before her marriage, for her complexion had become clearer since she had lived in the North, and though she was still pale, her skin was losing its sallow tone. Yet, though he thought her more attractive than she had been as a girl, she had ceased to make the faintest appeal to his senses.

Sight and scent became remarkably keen, while his hearing developed such acuteness that in his sleep he heard the faintest sound and knew whether it heralded peace or peril.