United States or Kiribati ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

All the cattle were housed, and in all the huts and homesteads men and women rejoiced and feasted. There was only Patrasche out in the cruel cold old and famished and full of pain, but with the strength and the patience of a great love to sustain him in his search. The trail of Nello's steps, faint and obscure as it was under the new snow, went straightly along the accustomed tracks into Antwerp.

"I have a faint inclination not to dislike him utterly. And I will be a good wife to him. If I say so, I shall keep my word. You may be sure of that." "I could never doubt your honour, Sara. Is the other man quite, quite out of the question?" "Quite." "But perhaps he does love you." "Oh no, he doesn't. He may think me picturesque and rather entertaining. It never went deeper than that.

You may well scream, "His wife! her husband!" and then pretend to faint. Who else's wife do you suppose I am? Ad. As you may have already discovered, I am not Mr Plumper at all; in fact, I perceive him approaching.

The heavy silken curtains fell drooping with their costliness to the velvet carpet, and a faint, sickening odor of withering water lilies pervaded the close atmosphere. Water lilies! they were Alexandrine's favorite flowers.

"You are Mrs. Brown, the new companion?" she said, interrogatively. "Yes," murmured a stifled voice. "May I ask how long you have been standing in the room?" Miss Staples inquired, rather curiously. "I did not see you come in." "I beg your pardon," came the faint answer.

The relation to whom Rostislav Adamitch chanced to turn with this question did not, unfortunately, know French, and so he confined himself to a faint grunt of approbation. But another relation, a young man, with patches of a yellow colour on his forehead, hastened to chime in, 'Wee, wee, to be sure. 'Perhaps, Mr.

It was strange and she wanted to laugh again but, refusing that easy comment, she came upon a thought which terrified and comforted her together. She was responsible for what she had done; Zebedee would know that, and he would have the right, if he had the heart, to blame her. A faint sound was caught in her throat and driven back.

He hesitated, and then went to it and stood leaning with his hands upon the heavy marble balustrade, that was low for his great height as he stood on the step. A single silver lamp sent a faint light upwards that lingered upon the Piet

He scarcely had time to bid the black, with a faint voice, to show this second comer in, before the door was thrown hastily open, and the stranger himself entered the apartment. He paused a moment, as the person of Harper met his view, and then, in a more formal manner, repeated the request he had before made through the servant. Mr.

"Oh! ah, we're a-coming," said Billy Waters, who, now that the excitement was over, began to feel very sore, while his companions got along very slowly, having a couple of sorely-beaten men to help. "Anybody make out the ship's lights?" "I can see one on 'em," growled Tully. "And where's our boat?" cried the gunner. "Jim Tanner, ahoy!" "Ahoy!" came in a faint voice from a distance.