United States or Lebanon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Our provisions were running short, as was our ammunition, and should that fail us notwithstanding all the heroic efforts which had been made we should be compelled to yield. My friend Dick was still very anxious about his father. "I have an idea!" exclaimed Lancelot. "You, Dick, are like your sister Mildred. Probably the Prince is not aware she is not in the town.

Objections Considered. Heaven seeth all, and therefore knows the sense Of the whole beauteous frame of Providence. His judgment of God’s kingdom needs must fail, Who knows no more of it than this dark jail.—BAXTER.

We will labor together, though apart, in a noble cause our prayers shall be the same our hopes the same our actions guided by the same resolves! If I should die before our task is done if my death fail to soften my father's heart falter not in your enterprise! With the grace of God, I shall be with you still! Fix your heart there!"

They heard it lift itself as on wings to a high exaltation of melody and fail thence, hushing and drooping deliciously, down diminishing slopes of song. "What the-" began the mate, and moved to cross the deck.

They need have no fear the intelligent workingmen of America will fail to appreciate the sweet boon they offer. But if the question thus raised at the bar of politics may seem to some only food for laughter, that at the bar of patriotism is matter for tears. If the islanders are already citizens, then they are entitled to the future of citizens.

There is surely enough, for those who have eyes to see, that is dramatic and exciting in actual life without depending upon fictitious news. Chesterton berates the contemporary press for failing to give us the thrill of reality. It "offends as being not sensational or violent enough; . . . does not merely fail to exaggerate life-it positively underrates it.

This is again where they fail to please; for in your soul there is an instinct, though you may not know of it, which forbids that such cold and unsatisfactory reasoning should bring you comfort.

Should the ship fail to find you it is probable she will not make a protracted search before going to Cape Evans to gather further particulars and land stores; it is to be remembered also that an extent of fast ice or pack may prevent a search of the coast at this early season.

I have a fancy that I could sit under a tree and read a sermon, and think it the sweetest recreation. But I've made the attempt to do all this, and it is so mean to fail!" "But where is to be the end of it?" "There shall be no end as long as he is Prime Minister. He is the first man in England. Some people would say the first in Europe, or in the world. A Prince should entertain like a Prince."

"We shall never get to it if we do," said the professor gruffly, "and the sooner you two try to fit yourselves to the necessities of a desert journey the better." "I'm ready to do anything," said the doctor, "but I do not want to fail from doing too little." "What more would you do than Ibrahim is doing?"