United States or Guadeloupe ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

We took with us three bags of flour, a number of empty casks and kegs, and two pack-saddles, besides spades and buckets, and such other minor articles as were likely to be required. It was late in the day when we arrived at the plains under the sand hills; and though we had brought our six best and strongest horses, they were greatly fagged with their day's work.

Three hours later Miss Howe, passing out of the hospital gate, was overtaken by Duff Lindsay, riding, with a look of singular animation and vigour. He flung himself off his horse to speak to her, and as he approached he drew from his inner coat-pocket the brown envelope of a telegram. "Good-morning," he said. "You do look fagged. I have a curious piece of news."

We had the trifling advantage of knowing our Roy!" They sat on till all the light had ebbed from the sky and the moon had come into her own. It was still early; but time is the least ingredient of such a day; and Sir Nevil rose on the stroke of ten. "You look fagged out, old boy. And the sooner you're asleep the sooner it will be to-morrow! A pet axiom of yours. D'you remember?"

Now, can you imagine anything more exquisite to a poor devil of a conscript, fagged out with garrison duty and stale sham-fighting, than an order of that kind? So my friends took it, and in one summer night they killed a donkey and wounded two mares, and broke the thin stem of a growing tree. Full of these foolish thoughts, but smiling in spite of their folly, I went down the road.

It had been a bad day for Harmony, and this new development, after everything else, assumed the proportions of a crisis. She had clung, at first out of sheer loneliness and recently out of affection, to the sharp little doctor with her mannish affectations, her soft and womanly heart. "Sit down, child." Anna Gates moved over on the trunk. "You are fagged out.

Most all the last few months. I reckon you won't know him.... But you're wet an' cold an' you look fagged. Come right in to the fire." "Thank you; I'm all right," returned Carley. At the doorway they encountered a girl of lithe and robust figure, quick in her movements.

Do you know, that after he is fagged out with upholding the Flag from early morning till late eve, he devotes the later eve to gratuitous tuition, lecturing and the like." "No," said Esther, softened. "I knew he came home late, but I thought he had to report communal meetings." "That, too. But Addie tells me he never came home at all one night last week.

"You keep your eyes open, and you'll see things, most places," said Miss Collins. "La! I used to be in and out; why shouldn't I? And now and then I'd say to Miss Gunn 'You're jest fagged out with standin' upon your feet; you jes' go in there and sit down by the fire, and don't let the pot bile over and put it out; and I'll see to the letters and the folks. And so she did, and so I did.

That man thus harassed, thus fagged out, thus martyrised at all hours of the day and night, was her husband, whom she loved with every fibre of her being, with every throb of her heart. Torture? Oh, no! these were advanced and civilised times that could afford to look with horror on the excesses of medieval days.

We were pretty well fagged out, now, but as we did not wish to miss the Alpine sunrise, we got through our dinner as quickly as possible and hurried off to bed. It was unspeakably comfortable to stretch our weary limbs between the cool, damp sheets. And how we did sleep! for there is no opiate like Alpine pedestrianism.