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So he declared that he had been offended last year by Florence in the matter of Forli, and again this year in the matter of Faenza, both of which cities he charged the Signory with having assisted to resist him, and he announced that, to justify his intentions so far as Florence was concerned, he would explain himself at Barberino. There, on May 12, he gave audience to the ambassador.

Let that letter be borne to Cesare Borgia at Faenza, and I would warrant that within a dozen hours of his receipt of it he would so dispose that all who had suffered by the cruel tyranny of Ramiro del' Orca would be avenged, and those who were still suffering would be relieved.

"We aren't mixed. We have mixed. We are one now," said the Waters sulkily. "Still uttering?" said the Cat. "Never mind, here's the Miller coming to shut you off. Ye-es, I have known four or five is it? and twenty leaders of revolt in Faenza.... A little more babble in the dam, a little more noise in the sluice, a little extra splashing on the wheel, and then "

Cocardasse continued: "Faenza was killed at Burgos." Passepoil went on: "Saldagno at Toledo." Cocardasse took up the tale: "Pinto at Valladolid." Passepoil concluded the catalogue: "Joel at Grenada, Pepe at Cordova." "All with the same wound," Cocardasse commented, with a curious solemnity in his habitually jovial voice. Passepoil added, lugubriously: "The thrust between the eyes."

He saw moreover the Abbess of the Nuns of Faenza, who had commissioned him to paint the walls of the Convent Church in fresco, and he told her on his oath and honour you must mix good wine with the colours, if the flesh tints are to be really brilliant.

There is also one at Faenza, in the house of Giovanni da Castel Bolognese, an excellent engraver of cameos and crystals; which work, executed for his father-in-law, is truly divine, since there is such a harmony in the gradation of the colours that it appears to be rather in relief than painted.

His hands fastened on it instantly, almost snatching it from my fingers before they were ready to release it. "Have courage," he bade me. "Listen. I shall endeavour to leave Cesena in the morning, and I shall ride straight for Faenza. If I find the Duke there when I arrive, he should be here within some twelve or fourteen hours of my departure.

These things Giovanni Batista did not in reality believe, for he had heard from many Florentines quite contrary statements. While occupied with these deliberations, Carlo, lord of Faenza, was taken ill, and tears were entertained for his life.

Its commanding position rendered it almost in the nature of a gateway controlling, as we know, the road from Faenza to Imola, and its occupation by the Bolognese or other enemies in time of disturbance might be of serious consequence to Cesare. Therefore he ruthlessly ordered Ramiro de Lorqua to set about its demolition.

He had disciples in plenty, but the best were Giovanni da Lione, Raffaello dal Colle of Borgo, Benedetto Pagni of Pescia, Figurino da Faenza, Rinaldo Mantovano, Giovan Battista Mantovano, and Fermo Ghisoni, who still lives in Mantua and does him honour, being an excellent painter.