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But d'rec'ly rector, he seemed to have a sudden idee, an' says he, facin' 'round, church-like, to wife an' me, says he: "Have you both been baptized accordin' to the rites o' the church?" An' me, thinkin' of co'se he meant the 'Piscopal Church, says: "No, sir," says I, thess so. And then we see that the way was open for us to be did over ag'in ef we wanted to.

Her thoughts were hard at work. "Is it as bad as that?" she asked presently. "'Tain't no use lookin' at it easy. We're facin' the music hard this time. But we ain't done yet. Not by a sight. It's kind o' lucky we've laid in a big store of ammunition an' things." It was dark by now, except for the glow of Indian fires, which gave a weird light on all sides. Rosebud drew closer to the man's side.

"Hit wouldn't content me ef I wasn't facin' my enemy when I sottled with him an' hit's a private business but this other matter te'ches everybody. Hit denotes y'ars of blood-spillin' an' murder of women an' children sufferin' fer causes thet hain't no wise th'ar fault ner doin'."

I shuddered, and sez I, "Don't bring up no such seen to harrow up my nerve." Sez I, "You know I couldn't stand it, to see you a facin' life and its solemn responsibilities in that condition. It would kill me to witness your sufferin'," sez I. And agin' I shuddered, and agin I sithed.

But d'rec'ly rector, he seemed to have a sudden idee, an' says he, facin' 'round, church-like, to wife an' me, says he: "Have you both been baptized accordin' to the rites o' the church?" An' me, thinkin' of co'se he meant the 'Piscopal Church, says: "No, sir," says I, thess so. And then we see that the way was open for us to be did over ag'in ef we wanted to.

"Where am I now?" he said. "Under the white pine, Phil." "That's right. Face me to the north." We did so. Minutes passed in silence. Only the song of the saw was heard, and the welting of the river. "Padre," he said at last hurriedly, "lift me up, so's I can breathe." This was done. "Am I facin' the big mill?" "Yes." "That's c'rrect.

"See!" he whispers as we get to the Maison Noir's show window. "She's there!" And sure enough, standin' back to, over in the corner facin' the mirror, is this classy figure in the zippy street dress, with Mame Stribble's hair and eyes. She's doin' the dummy act well, too. I couldn't see either breath or eye flutter. "Huh!" says I. "It's by me. Let's go in and interview Madame Maurice."

I swung around it I was travelin' at a good clip and come facin' up an old she b'ar which riz up on her hind laigs an' said: 'How-d'-do, Jerry Todd! jest as plain as ever a bear spoke in its e-tar-nal life!

And in an instant she opens her eyes and up she sits, and spins herself round, and down wi' her, wi' a clack on her two tall heels on the floor, facin' me, ogglin' in my face wi' her two great glassy eyes, and a wicked simper wi' her wrinkled lips, and lang fause teeth. "Well, a corpse is a natural thing; but this was the dreadfullest sight I ever sid.

"A purty good-sized one, is it, Bud?" queried the wife, making no effort to move. "Certainly is!" Bud answered. "I surely would like to see it," said the woman. "What a pity I ain't facin' that way!" What is known in a certain town as "A Shop Carnival" was being held, and little girls represented the various shops.