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The old man then proceeded: "Nex' time Brer Possum met Brer Coon, Brer Coon 'fuse ter 'spon' ter his howdy, en dis make Brer Possum feel mighty bad, seein' ez how dey useter make so many 'scurshuns tergedder. "'W'at make you hol' yo' head so high, Brer Coon? sez Brer Possum, sezee. "'I ain't runnin' wid cowerds deze days, sez Brer Coon. 'W'en I wants you I'll sen' fer you, sezee.

"Ax yer dad an'ye kin tell him the word kems from me whether he hev read sech ez this on the lawgiver's stone tables yander in the mounting: 'An' ye shall claim sech ez be yourn, an' yer neighbor's belongings shall ye in no wise boastfully medjure fur yourn, nor look upon it fur covet-iousness, nor yit git up a big name in the kentry fur ownin' sech ez be another's."

One or two other items of money loaned occasioned the withdrawal of several gentlemen from the audience amidst the hisses or ironical cheers of the others. At last Captain Dick stopped and advanced to the footlights. "Gentlemen and friends," he said, slowly. "I foots up $25,000 as Roger Catron hez MADE, fair and square, in this yer county. I foots up $27,000 ez he has SPENT in this yer county.

Evidently they were intended as threats, but, besides Henry's comment, the pursued took no notice of them. Then the savages, for the first time, uttered their war cry, but the fugitives did not answer. "Ef they mean by that yell that they've got us," said Shif'less Sol, "then they might ez well yell ag'in."

Now the queer thing about this, boys, ez that suthin in my bones tells me the old man is THAR. I pushes in, and, sure as a gun, I hears his voice. Kinder pathetic, kinder pleadin', kinder " "Love-makin'!" broke in the impatient Robinson. "You've hit it, pard, you've rung the bell every time! But she says, 'wants thet money down, or I'll and here I couldn't get to hear the rest.

This promiskus way o' meetin' up with strangers an' lettin' 'em talk to you jest ez ef they'd knowed you all their lives hez got to be stopped. It's your time, Henry, to give 'em a polite hint, an' I jest suggest that you take the big fellow in the front o' the boat who looks like a Mohawk." Henry raised his rifle, fired, and the Mohawk would row no more.

An' yet I find no gold, but I do kill. Sometimes I'm sorry that I happened to be born jest a natcherly good shot. I reckon we'd better whoop up our speed ez much ez we kin now, 'cause after that lesson they'll hang back a while afore follerin'." "That's good generalship," said Boyd.

Buck lay down with a sound that was almost a moan and the boat took up its silent glide toward safety. "It's fierce ter leave him this 'a'way!" muttered Buck, "Yous tell him, won't yer, an' her she's a ly-dy, she is. She's all white! Tell her Buck'll do ez much fer her some day ef he ever gits the chanct." "In doin' fer her you'd be doin' fer him, I spekullate," said Sam after a long pause.

And thar's one more idea, and ez that can't be proved," continued Patterson, sinking his voice still lower, "mebbe it's accordin' to God's laws." Unsympathetic to her as the speaker had always been and still was, Mrs. Tucker felt a vague chill creep over her that seemed to be the result of his manner more than his words. "And that idea is ?" she suggested with pale lips. "It's this!

"But," said Renshaw, springing to his feet furiously, "you're duped, swindled betrayed!" "Young man," said Nott, throwing a certain dignity into his habitual gesture of placing his hands on Renshaw's shoulders, "I bought this yer ship five years ago jist ez she stood for 8,000 dollars.