United States or Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

He cut the communicator off for a moment and spoke exultantly to his men. "Stand easy, you hairy Planeteers. Forget the Connie. He doesn’t know it, but he’s caught. He’s caught between the Archer and the Eagle!" Sagittarius, constellation of the Archer, and Aquila, constellation of the Eagle, had given the two Federation patrol cruisers their names.

"Oh, we're West, now," Kate said, exultantly. "I've seen a thousand types. The major didn't know quite what she was talking about. But he acquiesced. All he cared about was to see her grow stronger; and that she was doing every day. She was growing amazingly lovely, too,-at least the major thought so. Every one looked at her; but that was, perhaps, because she was such a sylph of a woman.

"The reason was that you told me you had written some of your poems here, and I did not think you could have done that unless you had been entirely undisturbed." How she remembered! He gazed at her exultantly and answered that he had his own restful nook where nobody ever came. It was on the other side; should they go over? They went.

"Or if you do you'll come back again by the next train to see how I am bearing up. I've got you, Juliet!" He lifted her hand, displaying it exultantly, closely clasped in his. "And what I have I hold!" "How clever of you!" said Juliet, and with a swift lithe movement freed herself. His arms went round her in a flash. "I'll make you pay for that!" he vowed. "How dare you, Juliet? How dare you?"

A blood-chilling yell of concentrated fury smote their ears; a hastily loosed storm of war arrows and short throwing-spears ripped into their flesh; a swift-running arc of light-skinned men swerved around them, shooting and stabbing as they went. They, who had so exultantly surrounded the homes of women and children, now were surrounded in turn.

That's what I want to know." "Obed, you and I ain't young folks. We're gettin' on towards old age. What would folks say if " He threw his arms about her and literally lifted her from the chair. "I don't care a durn WHAT they say," he shouted, exultantly. "You've said what I was waitin' for. Or you've looked it, anyhow. Now then, WHEN shall we be married?

Skeeny's got the Sparrow tied up in the old room behind Shluker's place, and once we're sure there's no back-fire anywhere, the Sparrow will chirp his last chirp." He laughed out suddenly, and, leaning forward, clapped Rhoda Gray exultantly on the shoulder. "It was like taking candy from a kid!

Good night. Good night, Gertrude." He started to leave the room, tripping over a loose seam in the slatternly carpet. "Don't bang the door," Mr. Higginbotham cautioned him. He felt the blood crawl in his veins, but controlled himself and closed the door softly behind him. Mr. Higginbotham looked at his wife exultantly. "He's ben drinkin'," he proclaimed in a hoarse whisper. "I told you he would."

Alec interrupted the conversation to call out exultantly: "Oh! this first roll is coming along dandy, let me tell you! It's going to be the best thing I ever did; and my stars, but that lens does cut fine! It was a lucky day for me when Aunt Susan got track of this old castle up here in the woods, for it's given me a regular jewel of a camera outfit."

"Here is Herr Heidegger, sure enough!" cried Holmes, exultantly. "My reasoning seems to have been pretty sound, Watson." "I congratulate you." "But we have a long way still to go. Kindly walk clear of the path. Now let us follow the trail. I fear that it will not lead very far."