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The other day, in Russia, an Englishman came on a street meeting shortly after the first revolution had begun. An extremist was addressing the gathering and telling them that they were fools to go on fighting, that they ought to refuse and go home, and so forth.

But it was important not to delay his pacific efforts over-long, since news came to Washington that unless Germany could obtain a speedy peace the extremist group in Berlin would insist upon a resumption of "ruthless" submarine warfare. In these circumstances, early in December, the President prepared to issue his note. But Germany acted more rapidly.

His rage was the rage of a tender-hearted poet, a lover of children and of Nature, driven mad by the sight of torment wantonly inflicted. And if ever he had seemed to you an extremist, too angry to be excused, here to-night he had his vindication, here to-night you saw him as a prophet.

The sight of those hideous trowsers totally destroying all shape in the man, is horrible enough; but it is absolutely more than a woman can bear to see him for he will shave first cover his face with white soap with that ridiculous centre-piece to his trowsers reaching quite up to his poll, and then, you can fancy a woman's rage and anguish! the figure lifts its nose by the extremist tip.

"It is my opinion, as far as I have gone with the data," he added, "that there is hope for many of those whose family history shows certain nervous taints. A sweeping prohibition of such marriages would be futile, perhaps injurious. It is necessary that the mating be carefully made, however, to prevent intensifying the taint. You see, though I am a eugenist I am not an extremist."

Have you made any plans, Tallente?" "A week ago I thought of going to Samoa," was the grim reply. "You don't want me, the country didn't seem to want me. I have worked for other people for thirty years. I rather thought of resting, living the life of a lotus eater for a time." "An extremist as ever," the Prime Minister remarked tolerantly.

Carmichael had previously made this same point and had popularized the motto, "Hell No! We Won't Go!" Although the Black Panthers believed in black power, they were willing to cooperate with some extremist whites, and they wanted the entire political system restructured to remove power from the rich and put it in the hands of the masses of citizens.

He could get himself to believe anything anything. He would have been a splendid leader of an extreme party. 'What party? I asked. 'Any party, answered the other. 'He was an an extremist. Did I not think so? I assented.

His party's enthusiastic acceptance of Jackson as a candidate for reëlection in 1832 and of "Little Van" as a candidate for the vice presidency and, by all tokens, for the presidency four years later was the last straw. Broken and desperate, Calhoun sank back into the role of an extremist, sectional leader.

When we remember that he was not an erratic extremist, but a sober-minded, fine-grained gentleman of refinement and of a good family, it helps us to understand a little how hard-hearted and stubborn were a people that could be appealed to only in such a way. And it tells us, too, how utterly surrendered was the man who was willing thus to give up his private personal life.