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Dwining ventured to give a low cough once or twice, by way of signal; but receiving no answer, "We had best make haste," said he to his companions, "for our friend must be in extremis, as he gives no answer to the signal which announces the arrival of help. Come, let us to the gear. I will go up the ladder first and cut the rope.

Its springs are far between, and, without a single exception, mere receptacles of a salt, potash, and sulphur hell-broth, which no man would drink, save in extremis.

"Here are the keys, here are the letters from Capitan Tiago. Burn them! Don't leave a single European newspaper, for they're very dangerous. Here are the copies of The Times that I've kept for wrapping up soap and old clothes. Here are the books." "Go to the Captain-General, cousin," said Don Primitivo, "and leave us alone. In extremis extrema.

Do come upstairs and see Mrs. Jawleyford and the dear girls. It was only last night we were talking about you. And so Jawleyford hurries Mr. Waffles off, just as Waffles is in extremis about his horse. Looking around the scene there seems to be everybody that we have had the pleasure of introducing to the reader in the course of Mr. Sponge's Tour. Mr. and Mrs. Springwheat in their dog-cart, Mrs.

War is the strong life; it is life in extremis; war-taxes are the only ones men never hesitate to pay, as the budgets of all nations show us. History is a bath of blood. The Iliad is one long recital of how Diomedes and Ajax, Sarpedon and Hector killed. No detail of the wounds they made is spared us, and the Greek mind fed upon the story.

The tiny new-born germ of a romance died at once in Miss O'Neill's romantic heart and yet, had she but known, here was a romance such as her soul loved above all things the son of the adored dead mistress discovered in extremis, and saved, by the devout platonic lover, the life-long lover, and revealed to him by the utterance of the pre-natally learnt words of the dead woman herself!

It was certainly not virtue, for I do not carry virtue so far as that. Then what was it? I did not tire myself by pursuing the question. I felt quite sure that the Platonic stage must soon come to an end, and I was sorry, but my sorrow was virtue in extremis.

The two men were brought up by the same obstacle. The body of Edmund Melrose lay between them. Melrose had fallen on his face. As Faversham and Dixon lifted him, they saw that he was still breathing, though in extremis. He had been shot through the breast, and a pool of blood lay beneath him, blotting out the faded blues and yellow greens of a Persian carpet. At the command of her husband, Mrs.

At one moment, when I was in extremis, I would willingly have exchanged positions with the humblest of the onlookers: at another I caught a faint gleam of hope in the thought that the end of the world might yet come before I was asked to do anything publicly. And I conceived of happier boys who had died young. The baths were prepared for the event.

The man has fled, and we are ruined!" "He has done it in his death-struggle," gasped the other hoarsely, sitting up and rubbing his throat. "I tell you that he was in extremis. He cannot be far off." "That is true. He cannot be far off," cried De Vivonne. "He has neither horse nor arms. You, Despard and Raymond de Carnac, guard the other, that he play us no trick.