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I'll be whipped, and I never was whipped in school." Then she stamped her little foot and said: "BE so mean if you want to! I know something that's going to happen. You just wait and you'll see! Hateful, hateful, hateful!" and she flung out of the house with a new explosion of crying. Tom stood still, rather flustered by this onslaught.

"My God, how they hate me!" I heard Loris say softly. "Yet, I have escaped them once again; and it is well; it could not be better. I am free at last!" We rode on, avoiding the village, which remained dark and silent; the sleeping peasants had either not heard or not heeded the sound and shock of the explosion.

The people on the other ships in the harbor saw the whole forward portion of the "Maine" suddenly become a flaming volcano belching forth fire, men, huge pieces of steel, and bursting shells. Portions of the ship's hull rained down on decks a thousand yards away. When the first fierce shock of the explosion was past, it was seen that the "Maine" was on fire and was rapidly sinking.

But it was almost twice as far from the Tweezy house to the dance hall as it was from the Judge's house to Tweezy's. That was something. Indeed it was a great deal. But he would have to work fast. All the neighbours would come bouncing out at the crash of the explosion. Racey paused to flatten an ear at the kitchen door.

Perhaps in some way the gasoline motor had been started while the boat was depressed, the "gas" had escaped, combined with air, and a spark had caused an explosion. There were so many possibilities that it staggered me. Captain Shirley sat stunned. Yet here was the one great question, Whence had come the impulse that had sent the famous Z99 to her fate?

Captain Wilson was much vexed and grieved at the loss of so many men: fresh hands were put in the cutter to man the pinnace, and he and Sawbridge both went on board to witness the horrible effects of the explosion as described by our hero. Jolliffe and the wounded men were taken on board, and all of them recovered.

The condition of the mine at any time can also be told by sending a very minute current through it, though miles away and buried deep beneath the sea. When a current of electricity goes through a wire, it heats it; and if the current be made strong enough, and a white hot wire thus comes in contact with powder or fulminate of mercury in a torpedo, an explosion will result.

All down the passage and the staircase we could trace them, and even in the hall below. Four men had been standing in the doorway of the upper ward. Two were killed; the others, bleeding and blinded by the explosion, had groped their way along that wall and down the stair.

A shower of sparks and coals fell on the roofs of the Kremlin; and one shudders to think that one of these sparks alone falling on a caisson might have produced a general explosion, and blown up the Kremlin; for by an inconceivable negligence a whole park of artillery had been placed under the Emperor's windows.

On the other side, there was a man whom no danger could appall. Alexander had been thought dead, and the dismay among his followers was universal. He was known to have been standing an instant before the explosion on the very block-house where the 'Hope' had struck. After the first terrible moments had passed, his soldiers found their general lying, as if in a trance, on the threshold of St.