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Nor had the French troops advanced beyond it as the communiqués seemed to say. They were beyond it on either side, to be sure, but the fort was in enemy hands. Yet from the communiqué everyone believed that the fort was half surrounded. The words did not explicitly say so, but "the press, as usual, forced the pace." Military writers concluded that the Germans would soon have to surrender.

"Why are you giving it to him against the Doctor's orders?" The General interposed. "Don't take that tone with Miss Merritt, Derry. I asked her to get it for me, and she obeyed my orders. What's the matter with that?" "Dr. McKenzie said, explicitly, that you were not to have it." "Dr. McKenzie has nothing to do with it. You may tell him that for me, I am not his patient any longer." "Father "

To make this clear to Deering became an overwhelming need, and in a last short letter she explicitly freed him from whatever sentimental obligation its predecessors might have seemed to impose.

Their release would at least produce one element of a solution, namely certainty and a quick stimulation of private initiative. I believe that it will be serviceable for me to set forth as explicitly as possible the alternative courses that lie open to our choice.

"It must be explicitly understood," wrote Brock to him, "that you are not to resort to offensive warfare for the purposes of conquest. Your operations are to be confined to measures of defence and security."

Otherwise she was not at that age, nor did she ever become, so explicitly handsome as her sister Judith, who had at every period of her life a head as beautiful as that on a Greek coin.

And all witches told much the same tale; apparently because they were collectively hallucinated. Then were the spectators of the agile crockery collectively hallucinated? M. Littre does not say so explicitly, though this is a conceivable theory. Among accounts of 'demoniac affections, descriptions of objects moved without contact are of frequent occurrence.

If one can find a truly wise doctor, or nurse, in such an illness as I refer to, get full instructions in just one visit, and then follow those directions explicitly, only one visit will be needed, probably, and the gain from that will pay for it many times over. This article is addressed especially to those who are now in health.

She told you explicitly that there was no man in the case." "Exactly. And I can think of no other valid reason, excepting that she doesn't care enough for me. That would be a perfectly sound reason, but then it would only be a temporary one, not the insuperable obstacle that she assumes to exist, especially as we really got on excellently together.

"There is the relation published by government, old gentleman; what do you think of it?" "Think, sir? Wh wh whatever the council please to think of it," stammered Milnwood. "I desire to have your opinion more explicitly, my friend," said the dragoon, authoritatively.