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Then the Chancellor returns to Berlin, summons the party leaders to his palace, explains what the Government desires and, without asking the leaders for their support, tells them that is what von Hindenburg expects. They know there is no choice left to them.

When he explains that it is infinite and omnipresent, like poor Paddy's famed ale, the explanation 'thickens as it clears; for being ourselves finite, and necessarily present on one small spot of our very small planet, the words infinite and omnipresent do not suggest to us either positive or practical ideas of course, therefore, we have neither positive nor practical ideas of an infinite and omnipresent Being.

We showed that the anthropological theory of the evolution of God out of ghosts in no way explains the facts in the savage conception of a Supreme Being.

From 1205 we find Venice supreme, and she remained so for nearly a hundred and fifty years, with an interval of Byzantine rule. It was the headquarters of effort for the conversion of the Slavs, which explains the gifts made to its churches by Servian kings and nobles.

How well one can understand that deed of violence and hope! His whole past life of fruitless labour and ever-growing want explains it. Then, too, there has been all the contagion of ideas; the frequentation of public meetings where men intoxicate themselves with words, and of secret meetings among comrades where faith acquires firmness and the mind soars wildly. Ah!

Say, ain't he the worst scared fellow you ever saw?" "Don't forget there were a bunch about as bad off as that, a while back," declared Thad; "but he seems to be calling for some one to come back and help him." "I got it then, and it was Brose!" exclaimed Bob White, who had very acute hearing. "That explains it all," declared Thad. "Now we know who we have to thank for making all this racket.

A speech thus prepared, Phillips thought, was always at the command of the speaker. It might vary upon every delivery, and could be altered to meet emergencies with the audience, but would always be practically the same. This method of preparation explains what has been a mystery to many persons.

What a crew!" "I'll write you a line for my notary." "Have you got a notary?" "Yes." "That explains to me why you still make cheeks with pink tones like a perfumer's sign." Grassou could not help coloring, for Virginie was sitting. "Take Nature as you find her," said the great painter, going on with his lecture. "Mademoiselle is red-haired. Well, is that a sin?

It appears to be customary for people of decent station, but in distressed circumstances, to go round among their neighbors and the public, accompanied by a friend, who explains the case.

He shows, from the history of Massachusetts, that the fundamental principle asserted in the fifth article of our declaration of rights, that all power resides originally in the people, is derived from the above-named writers, and explains how this power has been practically exercised by the people of that state.