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The people in his neighborhood are ignorant, and they fear him and wish to be rid of him; hence they tell a great many lies about him, and they come to believe their own stories. The one important thing that I have learned is that he is almost insanely enthusiastic on the subject of surgery especially experimental surgery; and with an enthusiast there is hardly such a thing as a scruple.

Divorce must certainly not be so easy as to encourage hasty and unconsidered marriage, or to turn this most sacred of relationships into a mere experimental and provisional alliance.

The first locomotives, apart from the heavy tradition of their ancestry, were, like all experimental machinery, needlessly clumsy and heavy, and their inventors, being men of insufficient faith, instead of working for lightness and smoothness of motion, took the easier course of placing them upon the tramways that were already in existence chiefly for the transit of heavy goods over soft roads.

However, it is better to have a railway on a doubtful line than none at all; the shareholders are guaranteed 5 per cent., and the Government is rich and can afford to pay them. So let us wish success to the experimental railway, and hope that the means of transport may soon be more expeditious than they are at present.

Then God teaches us that there lies in Him the power of enlarging the human affections, and He enlarges our hearts that we, "being rooted and grounded in love," not only in the experimental realisation of His love to us, but also in the experimental living out of our love to Him, and to all that He has made and given us, are able to "run the way of His commandments."

This is made exactly like the one described in connection with the experimental transmitter. The Motor-Generator Set. Where you have only a 110 or a 220 volt direct current available as a source of power you need a motor-generator to change it to 350 volts, and this is an expensive piece of apparatus.

At a recent meeting of the Physiological Society, Dr. J. Munk reported on experiments instituted by him in the course of the last two years with a view of arriving at an experimental decision between the two theories of the secretion of urine the filtration theory of Ludwig and the secretion theory of Heidenhain.

This was the case not only in the experimental field, but in several others also, where the chemical manure was sowed after the setting-in of the drought.

But the rise of experimental methods proved that, given control of conditions, the latter operation is more typical of the right way of knowledge than isolated logical reasonings. Experiment developed in the seventeenth and succeeding centuries and became the authorized way of knowing when men's interests were centered in the question of control of nature for human uses.

+The Goat Reacts Like Human.+ The goat alone among mammals reacts to poisons almost identically as human beings react, and the poison gases of the war had precisely the same effect upon him as upon the soldiers. So 1,500 goats did their bit in the war in an experimental way.