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Thus is it led to hope that any future Governor may be deterred from exercising that vigor, which the preservation of His Majesty's government may require. A higher tribute to a free press no man ever paid than that. The hope has been realised, the trials have all been passed through, and persecutions for opinion's sake must now be cloaked, at least, by something more than expediency.

He had differed, men said, with his friend and chief, the Prime Minister, as to the expediency of repealing what were left of the direct taxes of the country, and was prepared to launch himself into opposition with his small bodyguard of followers, with all his energy and with all his venom.

If the House think the faith of the nation already pledged they can not claim any discretion; there is no room left to deliberate upon the expediency of the thing. The resolution now under consideration is merely "that it is expedient to carry the British treaty into effect," and not whether we are bound by national faith to do it.

For instance, the plan of a war against France, Austria, or Russia would differ widely from one against the brave but undisciplined bands of Turks, which cannot be kept in order, are not able to maneuver well, and possess no steadiness under misfortunes. Wars of Expediency. The invasion of Silesia by Frederick II., and the war of the Spanish Succession, were wars of expediency.

In the expediency of this I could not but acquiesce; and as the natives had now completed their preparations, I watched with the liveliest interest the reception that Toby’s application might meet with. As soon as they understood from my companion that I intended to remain, they appeared to make no objection to this proposition, and even hailed it with pleasure.

MABEL was still turning the vexed question of right and expediency over in her fast-heating brain, the next evening, as she sat in the parlor, and feigned to hearken to the diligent duett-practising going on at the piano, her husband and Mrs. Aylett being the performers. Mrs. Sutton had gone home that afternoon, engaging to return for a longer sojourn in the course of a month. Mr.

The Spanish Bourbons had been the Emperor's most obsequious and useful allies, obeying his behests without a question: for their degradation there was no plea either of expediency or of a right secured by conquest. This gave Francis food for reflection.

How far this lack of system in the work of the Commission and the failure to provide a plan for a treaty affected the results written into the Treaty of Versailles is speculative, but my belief is that they impaired in many particulars the character of the settlements by frequent abandonment of principle for the sake of expediency.

He had long ceased to regard Sophia as under his authority. "Still I hope, my dear, the next time you see this young man rudeness, of course, being impossible to you, and unnecessary still I hope you will allow your manner to indicate that a certain distance must be preserved." Her own sense of expediency had been urging this course upon her, but she had not been able to bring her mind to it.

Nothing was clear yet, until one day the bland legislator told him that considerations of expediency had compelled them to give the place he was asking for to another man. "But what am I to do?" asked the helpless man. "Oh, you just bide your time. I'll look out for you. Never fear." Until now, Johnson had ignored the gentle hints of his friend, Col.